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Let's Play Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Part 8 of 25
Stream 1 Part 8

Turns out Chester actually had confidence we'd escape from the Zone of Lava (and didn't see that horrible performance against both bosses in there) and wants both of the Statues. Fortunately, both Dogi and Elena arrive to try and talk some sense into him, but he declares he's cut them out of his life and leaves.

After more discussions in Redmont about the Statues, we obtain a lead in the form of something buried deep in the abandoned portion of Tigray Quarry. But, rather than immediately leave to check it out, we take care of some more sidequests and receive a handy gift from Elena that would've bypassed the entire Zone of Lava and thus couldn't have been introduced earlier without derailing the plot.

First stop: Valestein Castle?!

Thumbnail art of channel mascot Dyana as Elena by
Name Published
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [25] (Finale 2/2) - The Oath'orization Code2025/1/31 08:33 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [24] (Finale 1/2) - Not In'Chester'ested in Losing Now2025/1/29 04:27 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [23] - Best to Not Raval in Your Success Too Much2025/1/27 04:07 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [22] - Lotus Have a Cup of Tea2025/1/23 04:18 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [21] - Readying the Dularn'ing Needle2025/1/21 04:36 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [20] - McGuire'd More Than He Bargained For2025/1/17 03:51 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [19] - Taking More Than a Slight Detoh2025/1/15 04:14 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [18] - En'Zurduros Contest2025/1/13 04:11 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [17] - Time to Zelfel the Deck2025/1/9 04:54 am
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Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [15] - When You've Got a Fran'd in Need2025/1/3 04:32 am
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Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [10] - Genos Aide2024/12/20 04:44 am
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» Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [8] - Hosting a S'Wing Party2024/12/16 04:09 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [7] - Not Quite the Am'Brocia of the Gods2024/12/12 04:36 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [6] - Guilen's Theme Goes With Everything2024/12/10 04:30 am
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Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [4] - Pesky as a Lochus't2024/12/4 04:45 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [3] - Priming the Ignis'sion2024/12/2 04:22 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [2] - Simply Ap'PAUL'ling!2024/11/28 05:57 am
Ys: The Oath in Felghana (PC) [1] - Not Doing a Good Job of Gardner2024/11/26 04:19 am
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