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Let's Play Wild Arms 2
Part 43 of 92
Stream 4 Part 10

Well, how does it feel to have been working for a war criminal, ARMS? It turns out the Guild Galad Master is a stinking hypocrite and we ended up giving Odessa exactly what they wanted when they got their hands on our cargo: A FRIGGIN' NUKE!!!

All we can really do about it is try to find out what Odessa's up to next and, after a thorough looting of Guild Galad, we upgrade our gear, learn about a well-hidden Guardian dungeon, and return to Holst to look for Odessan activity.

Thumbnail art of Channel Mascot Dyana as Lilka by
Name Published
Wild Arms 2 [90] (Finale 4/4) - A Farewell to ARMS2024/7/4 06:08 am
Wild Arms 2 [89] (Finale 3/4) - Sol Blazer2024/7/2 04:37 am
Wild Arms 2 [88] (Finale 2/4) - Nice Catch, It's a Real Kuiper2024/6/28 04:40 am
Wild Arms 2 [87] (Finale 1/4) - Showing Our Root'imentary Skills2024/6/26 04:44 am
Wild Arms 2 [86] - Are We Ragu'rgitating Superbosses Here?2024/6/24 04:52 am
Wild Arms 2 [85] - Xenonblade Chronicles2024/6/20 04:41 am
Wild Arms 2 [84] - In Soviet Russia, Battleship Sinks You!2024/6/18 04:49 am
Wild Arms 2 [83] - Showing How Much the Horse has Bulkogidy'upped2024/6/14 04:50 am
Wild Arms 2 [82] - Glaive le Gable'box a Hard Reset2024/6/12 05:46 am
Wild Arms 2 [81] - Recording the Manufestu2024/6/10 04:29 am
Wild Arms 2 [80] - Things Are Grodine Out of Control2024/6/6 07:24 am
Wild Arms 2 [79] - The Sinking of the Titanius2024/6/4 04:44 am
Wild Arms 2 [78] - Dairam'd Right out of the Service2024/5/31 04:46 am
Wild Arms 2 [77] - The Carnival Can Be Found at Zephyr Grounds2024/5/29 04:55 am
Wild Arms 2 [76] - Committing an Act of Sac'Wreckage2024/5/27 06:56 am
Wild Arms 2 [75] - Setting the Trapezohedroff2024/5/21 05:59 am
Wild Arms 2 [74] - Do You Find Me A'Museing?2024/5/17 04:48 am
Wild Arms 2 [73] - Really Hitting the S'Wing of Things2024/5/21 06:21 am
Wild Arms 2 [72] - Reaching a Powerful Arpeg'Geo2024/5/15 04:41 am
Wild Arms 2 [71] - Dealing With the Usual Flim-Flam2024/5/13 04:51 am
Wild Arms 2 [70.5] (Bonus 2) - Hyulkonton From 10 to Calm Down2024/5/10 04:50 am
Wild Arms 2 [70] - The Un'Desirables2024/5/9 04:43 am
Wild Arms 2 [69] - Armitagestice Day2024/5/7 04:51 am
Wild Arms 2 [68.5] (Bonus 1) - Making Elven or Twelve Slight Detours2024/5/3 08:17 am
Wild Arms 2 [68] - Gonna Lombardia When You're Not Looking2024/5/3 04:27 am
Wild Arms 2 [67] - Not the Grauswein That Appears from a Hidden Block2024/5/1 04:25 am
Wild Arms 2 [66] - Be Better at Garden Her Next Time2024/4/29 04:53 am
Wild Arms 2 [65] - Castlevania: Lourdes of Shadow2024/4/25 05:09 am
Wild Arms 2 [64] - I Have Altar'd the Deal, Pray I Do Not Altar It Further2024/4/23 04:39 am
Wild Arms 2 [63] - Make Sure Your Tall Statue is Rigdobrite and Doesn't Fall2024/4/19 06:48 am
Wild Arms 2 [62] - Bootleg Beast Wars Starring Optimus Primevals2024/4/17 04:55 am
Wild Arms 2 [61] - Measuring the Proper Dose of Anastasia2024/4/15 04:52 am
Wild Arms 2 [60] - Angels and the Vinsfeld2024/4/11 04:45 am
Wild Arms 2 [59] - The Great Gazzo2024/4/9 04:38 am
Wild Arms 2 [58] - Overthrowing a Corrupt Judecca'l System2024/4/5 04:30 am
Wild Arms 2 [57] - Magmalizer'd Not Look like a Chicken!2024/4/3 04:23 am
Wild Arms 2 [56] - Jasoul, Mein Fuhrer!2024/4/1 06:24 am
Wild Arms 2 [55] - My Cousin Vinny and Antenora2024/3/28 04:36 am
Wild Arms 2 [54] - Moon Prisnum Power, Make Up!2024/3/26 04:51 am
Wild Arms 2 [53] - Caina Guy Get a Break Already?2024/3/22 04:54 am
Wild Arms 2 [52] - Seeking the Legendary El Drawdo2024/3/20 04:11 am
Wild Arms 2 [51] - One Ptolomea, Go Fight That One Ptolomea2024/3/18 04:43 am
Wild Arms 2 [50] - Seeking Full Belleclaire'ity2024/3/14 04:49 am
Wild Arms 2 [49] - In Soviet Russia, Day Extends You!2024/3/12 05:32 am
Wild Arms 2 [48] - In Soviet Russia, Arms Break You!2024/3/8 04:32 am
Wild Arms 2 [47] - Symptoms May Include Continuous Coffin2024/3/6 04:58 am
Wild Arms 2 [46] - Aru Giving Us the Cold Shoulder2024/3/4 04:39 am
Wild Arms 2 [45] - Taking the Holstistic Approach2024/2/29 04:40 am
Wild Arms 2 [44] - In Soviet Russia, Kanon Mounts You!2024/2/27 04:48 am
» Wild Arms 2 [43] - Not Too Galad to See Us2024/2/23 04:34 am
Wild Arms 2 [42] - If We're Emulator, We'll Be Trapped!2024/2/21 04:48 am
Wild Arms 2 [41] - Going Ballet Up2024/2/19 04:41 am
Wild Arms 2 [40] - Traitor Joe's2024/2/15 04:42 am
Wild Arms 2 [39] - Playing the Alchemic'cordian2024/2/13 04:20 am
Wild Arms 2 [38] - In a One-Horse Open Slayheim Going2024/2/9 04:46 am
Wild Arms 2 [37] - Day Dreaming2024/2/7 04:22 am
Wild Arms 2 [36] - Punishment Game: T'Bok Like a Chicken!2024/2/5 04:42 am
Wild Arms 2 [35] - Gotta MultiTrask During a Time Crunch2024/2/1 04:45 am
Wild Arms 2 [34] - He Buys Low, Sielje High2024/1/30 05:05 am
Wild Arms 2 [33] - Shax to be You2024/1/26 04:56 am
Wild Arms 2 [32] - They Taste Like Grandma's Varukisas!2024/1/24 04:58 am
Wild Arms 2 [31] - Not Known for Their Galad'ry2024/1/22 04:48 am
Wild Arms 2 [30] - Better to be Blastodon than Blastodoff2024/1/18 05:51 am
Wild Arms 2 [29] - Sometimes the Path Widens, Other Times it Neros2024/1/16 06:00 am
Wild Arms 2 [28] - Not Built to Reguleus'ions2024/1/12 04:59 am
Wild Arms 2 [27] - First a Step, Fengalon to Something Bigger2024/1/10 04:44 am
Wild Arms 2 [26] - Colette, the Best a Tim can Get?2024/1/8 05:00 am
Wild Arms 2 [25] - Alphael'bet Soup2024/1/4 06:48 am
Wild Arms 2 [24] - Be'Lize and the Ard'uous Journey to Get There2024/1/2 07:12 am
Wild Arms 2 [23] - Sewing Name Tags in the Kids' Undines2023/12/29 04:49 am
Wild Arms 2 [22] - Feeling Very Un'Holst'ered2023/12/27 04:41 am
Wild Arms 2 [21] - Construction Zone: Protective Halmetz Are Required2023/12/25 06:17 am
Wild Arms 2 [20] - Blazer Beats Telepath'finder After All2023/12/21 04:36 am
Wild Arms 2 [19] - The Dreaded Daily Trask2023/12/19 04:38 am
Wild Arms 2 [18] - It's a Sylvaland, So Not Much Gold2023/12/15 06:11 am
Wild Arms 2 [17] - Elebart'or Service is Currently Unavailable2023/12/13 04:46 am
Wild Arms 2 [16] - Mama Ptolomea Not to Come!2023/12/11 04:23 am
Wild Arms 2 [15] - Not Named Chug-Chug After Champion Alcoholics2023/12/7 04:44 am
Wild Arms 2 [14] - Vagesta and West Vagesta2023/12/5 04:28 am
Wild Arms 2 [13] - Telepath'Finder to Blaze New Trails2023/12/1 04:35 am
Wild Arms 2 [12] - Damzen's In Distress2023/11/29 04:35 am
Wild Arms 2 [11] - It's GAONIM on Us!2023/11/29 04:33 am
Wild Arms 2 [10] - Illsveil von Einzbern2023/11/23 06:57 am
Wild Arms 2 [9] - Chateau'p and Do As You're Told!2023/11/21 06:23 am
Wild Arms 2 [8] - Just Out of ARMS Reach2023/11/17 04:29 am
Wild Arms 2 [7] - Feeling Meria'nd Joyous2023/11/15 04:31 am
Wild Arms 2 [6] - I Ate Olivier With Some Fava Beans and a Nice Chianti2023/11/13 04:32 am
Wild Arms 2 [5] - A Lilka'dence Goes a Long Way2023/11/9 04:26 am
Wild Arms 2 [4] - I'm Gremalkin' Here!2023/11/7 04:23 am
Wild Arms 2 [3] - Finding Evans's Essence2023/11/3 04:51 am
Wild Arms 2 [2] - Prepare to Meet Kalivos!2023/11/1 05:00 am
Wild Arms 2 [1] - Winchester, Losechester, or Drawchester2023/10/30 05:02 am
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