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Let's Play Ys I Chronicles+
Part 12 of 12
Stream 2 Part 4

I had wanted the previous part to run a bit longer so this one would be a bit shorter, but a game crash and having to re-do the first 80% of Darm Tower changed up the plans in recording, so I just kept this one as is.

Anyhow, we obtain the final piece of armor, the best weapon in the game, use them to defeat one more boss, and then promptly forget about them to use what we REALLY need to defeat the final boss. If you didn't pay attention to Reah, then you aren't damaging that guy!

But, with the final Book of Ys in hand, it's time to finish reading them and get ready for the direct sequel!

Thumbnail art of Channel Mascot Dyana as Feena by
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