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Let's Play Ys IV: Mask of the Sun
Part 20 of 20
Stream 2 Part 11

Our final obstacle is Eldeel himself and we of course have to defeat him before he can absorb all of the power of ancient Celceta. The problem is... he's kind of invincible for a few phases so it's mostly a waiting game and being patient.

It's hard to say if the pre or post-battle conversation is longer as we get to sit back, enjoy our ending, and watch Adol once again sneak out of town rather than settle down with the girl who is probably still the true evil in the entire series regardless.

Fun fact: There's actually a quick kill method against the final boss thanks to how the game is programmed. If you use a Holy Mirror to freeze everything just before confronting Eldeel and mash through the pre-fight conversation, it's possible to kill him with the Sword of Radiance and bypass all of the scripted events if at level 29 or so. I found that out after recording.

The English translation patch is available at
Thumbnail art of Channel Mascot Dyana as Karna by
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