Defenders of Light - Complete (10th Anniversary)
Shawn Forbes has revisited Defenders of Light for its 10th anniversary. It's up now!
Josh's Adventure
The multiple MagCon Prime attendee is a great humor-filled platformer ready for download!
Generic Quest 8
The new tech demo from L & E productions that features a very detailed custom battle system for RPG Maker 1.
Fu-Fu was here!
Way back in August 2001, Dave Carter dropped a gigaton bomb on the RPG Maker community with the first-ever platforming game for the software. Follow us as we take a trip to the past.

RPG Maker
System: Sony Playstation
US Release: September 17, 2000
System: Sony Playstation
US Release: September 17, 2000
It all began here. RPG Maker (RPG Tsukuru 3 in Japan; also called RM or RPGM) was the first RPG Maker brought to the United States by Agetec.
RPG Maker is very customizable, featuring over 200 custom images, a sample game (the cult classic Gobli), and a program called Anime Maker, which allows developers to create custom art for their projects.

Generic Quest 8 is an RPG featuring a turn-based custom battle system on RPG Maker 1. CBSs are hard to come by on this Maker, as it's a rather limited game creation tool, having originally released in Japan in 1997. But a rather bored Lantis felt like tinkering with RPGM1, with this being the result, and he asked me to take a look at it. I wound up playing the game for the premiere of my 7th season of let's plays. Was it an impressive way to begin the new season, or was Lantis in way over his head when he created this? Let's find out.


Jester's Hunt is a collect-a-thon adventure inspired by Banjo-Kazooie, and was released for RPG Maker 1 back in August 2003. Also, I made it. Is it weird for me to review my own game? Maybe. But after what I did to the game in my recent let's play of it, it's probably safe to say that this is not going to be a biased review.


Sat down and played this game over two days. It was a big enough success that I played it right till the end. Having the battles balanced was a major step in this, though I am very tired of RPG Maker battles. The plot was even fun to which helped a lot! I knew that this was one of the early games and was very well done.


Yes, it is I, DuelExpert with my second review. But this time it's a review of another person's game. The most hyped up review has finally arrived.
"10,000 years ago, the evil entity known as Creolder came to power in the parallel worlds of Exia and Revenia. Only one man stood against him, and after months of searching, acquired the one weapon capable of beating Creolder, the legendary Zone Blade. After a lengthy battle, the man used the Zone Blade's power to exile Creolder into the silent zone, the Relchum Abyss.
"10,000 years ago, the evil entity known as Creolder came to power in the parallel worlds of Exia and Revenia. Only one man stood against him, and after months of searching, acquired the one weapon capable of beating Creolder, the legendary Zone Blade. After a lengthy battle, the man used the Zone Blade's power to exile Creolder into the silent zone, the Relchum Abyss.


I originally played it way back when it first came out but I never got farther then the third card. I just put the game down and moved on to other things. This time I vowed to play the game from beginning to end. It's always important to play other's games so you get a deeper understanding of what has been done, and how each games comes together.


Oh my, so Omni is officially a pervert. One play through and you'll loose all innocence.
The game itself is based largely on an anime called Devil Hunter Monoko. I've never seen the anime myself but in my experience I can see that what Omni's produced is most likely close to the what the plot would be like (devil slaying, sex talk, and all that teen girl Asian anime crap).
The game itself is based largely on an anime called Devil Hunter Monoko. I've never seen the anime myself but in my experience I can see that what Omni's produced is most likely close to the what the plot would be like (devil slaying, sex talk, and all that teen girl Asian anime crap).


So I felt like trying out that Mario game-hacking I've seen done in various Youtube videos. You know, like that "Mario Frustration" game with the invisible coin blocks and near-impossible jumps. I downloaded two editors, one for Super Mario Bros 2 called "SMB2 Transmogrificator", the other for Super Mario World called "Lunar Magic". SMB2 Transmogrificator is the one I was interested in, as it seemed that SMB2 is the least-popular Mario game to get hacked.
So, after a few days checking out what it's capable of, what's my opinion of it?
So, after a few days checking out what it's capable of, what's my opinion of it?


Villains are the cornerstones of good games. Stories are created from conflict and the villain supports that conflict. If you have a weak villain, you'll have a weak story. It is, regrettably, very easy to make a lackluster villain. This is especially true when you work backwards and create a villain out of a need, for the plot. The three things that a good villain needs are: plausibility, emotional attachment, and spotlight.