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Let's Play Spekkio Lufia
Part 20 of 45
Stream 3 Part 5

Just kidding. The game's not over yet.

A bit of a breather episode for a very pivotal moment in the game to prove how quickly things can change in a man's life, only for yet another wrench to be thrown in the plans or enjoying a peaceful marriage.

Oh yeah, I attempt to act in this episode too. You are warned.

The hack can be downloaded here:
Thumbnail art of channel mascot Dyana as Selan by
Name Published
Spekkio Lufia 45 (Finale 3/3) - Maximum Determination2020/12/24 04:08 am
Spekkio Lufia 44 (Finale 2/3) - Remember to Daos Your Fires2020/12/22 03:36 am
Spekkio Lufia 43 (Finale 1/3) - ThErimshot After a Pun2020/12/18 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 42 - When You Strahda a Thin Line2020/12/16 03:43 am
Spekkio Lufia 41 - Shuman Emotions2020/12/14 03:39 am
Spekkio Lufia 40 - Gratze for Your Tanks2020/12/10 03:35 am
Spekkio Lufia 39 - Preamarltated Actions2020/12/8 03:42 am
Spekkio Lufia 38 - Chaeders Never Prosper2020/12/4 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 37 - Our Excelion't Adventure Continues2020/12/2 03:49 am
Spekkio Lufia 36 - When the Plan Gets Durale'd2020/11/30 03:45 am
Spekkio Lufia 35 - When Demon and Dewomon Love Each Other Very Much2020/11/26 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 34 - P.T. Barnan's Undead Circus2020/11/24 03:46 am
Spekkio Lufia 33 - I am Amon!2020/11/20 04:00 am
Spekkio Lufia 32 - When You Have to Milka Gimmick2020/11/18 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 31 - Getting Lost is Just Treble2020/11/16 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 30 - Enjoying a Taste of Ferimented Foods2020/11/12 03:47 am
Spekkio Lufia 29 - Is There a Better Captain Dankirk?2020/11/10 03:40 am
Spekkio Lufia 28 - Be Sure to Markao'p Your Itinerary2020/11/6 03:39 am
Spekkio Lufia 27 - Take the Path You Priphea2020/11/4 03:35 am
Spekkio Lufia 26 - Buying a Brand New Lexis2020/11/2 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 25 - Leaving Dekar Parked Elsewhere2020/10/29 03:44 am
Spekkio Lufia 24 - Karlloonsbad Caverns2020/10/27 03:32 am
Spekkio Lufia 23 - Stop Being Such a Narcysus2020/10/23 03:35 am
Spekkio Lufia 22 - Putting Aleyn on the Ship2020/10/21 03:35 am
Spekkio Lufia 21 - Idurance Contest2020/10/19 03:34 am
» Spekkio Lufia 20 - Jerova∙BIRTH2020/10/15 03:34 am
Spekkio Lufia 19 - For Whom the Gades Bell Tolls2020/10/13 03:32 am
Spekkio Lufia 18 - Cloud-based Key Exchange2020/10/9 03:35 am
Spekkio Lufia 17 - Hydek'ids! Hide Ya Wife!2020/10/7 03:34 am
Spekkio Lufia 16 - Stopping By the Local Wingers2020/10/5 03:33 am
Spekkio Lufia 15 - Going to Merix Up the Routine2020/10/1 03:32 am
Spekkio Lufia 14 - Losing Money on those Addictive Capsule Machines2020/9/29 03:40 am
Spekkio Lufia 13 - Untying the Gordovan Knot2020/9/25 06:07 am
Spekkio Lufia 12 - Taking a Long Walk Off a Short Pierre2020/9/23 11:21 am
Spekkio Lufia 11 - Choosing the Parcelyte Shipping Option2020/9/21 07:59 am
Spekkio Lufia 10 - Spiders Enjoy Saltwater Jaffy2020/9/17 05:43 am
Spekkio Lufia 9 - Clamento Brand Drink2020/9/15 06:18 am
Spekkio Lufia 8 - Seeing Beyond the Camuflage2020/9/11 03:41 am
Spekkio Lufia 7 - Tanbelgible Progress2020/9/9 03:39 am
Spekkio Lufia 6 - Questionable Regality of an Order2020/9/7 03:49 am
Spekkio Lufia 5 - Always a Winner And Alunze'r2020/9/3 02:55 am
Spekkio Lufia 4 - When the Party Jelze Together2020/9/1 03:28 am
Spekkio Lufia 3 - Getting a Sundletan at the Beach2020/8/28 03:54 am
Spekkio Lufia 2 - Elcidic Reaction2020/8/26 03:41 am
Spekkio Lufia 1 - Starting The 30-Day Sinistrial Period2020/8/24 03:40 am
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