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Let's Play Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Part 2 of 3
Stream 1 Part 2

Time to get our bearings in the town of Redmont as we go about and make sure to talk to everyone to work on filling in the new Character encyclopedia as this was the first game to feature one. As Dogi feared, things haven't been good in Felghana for quite a while now and the townsfolk are getting worn down by both the monsters and the oppression from the local count. More so, Elena mentions her brother has been missing for six months.

Though it takes a few moments, we get to do the hero thing once we're called to help the mayor, who is trapped in the nearby Tigray Quarry, and even get some free necessities to upgrade our sword a bit after convincing the local blacksmith that having customers is a good thing.

After a quick tour of the area to activate save points for later, we meet the legendary PAUL and enter the quarry.

Thumbnail art of channel mascot Dyana as Elena by
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