Defenders of Light - Complete (10th Anniversary)
Shawn Forbes has revisited Defenders of Light for its 10th anniversary. It's up now!
Josh's Adventure
The multiple MagCon Prime attendee is a great humor-filled platformer ready for download!
Generic Quest 8
The new tech demo from L & E productions that features a very detailed custom battle system for RPG Maker 1.
Fu-Fu was here!
Way back in August 2001, Dave Carter dropped a gigaton bomb on the RPG Maker community with the first-ever platforming game for the software. Follow us as we take a trip to the past.

RPG Maker
System: Sony Playstation
US Release: September 17, 2000
System: Sony Playstation
US Release: September 17, 2000
It all began here. RPG Maker (RPG Tsukuru 3 in Japan; also called RM or RPGM) was the first RPG Maker brought to the United States by Agetec.
RPG Maker is very customizable, featuring over 200 custom images, a sample game (the cult classic Gobli), and a program called Anime Maker, which allows developers to create custom art for their projects.

As you read this, me and SK are playing through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Got it on a big screen and are just chillin'. Well, SK is finding out for the first time how retarded the laws function of this game is. In fact, some really really unfortunate things have been happening to him in this game due to the laws.


You are Agent Mitchell Conners of United States Special Operations Command, who's on mission is to uncover an underground narcotics ring who recent reports have disclosed that they have been working on a hallucinogenic stimulant called "Wait in Line" that is 20x more addictive than heroin. You have to help Agent Conners through over a dozen levels of intricate booby traps and enemy gunfire, all while rescuing the only witness to a confirmed drug transaction, the demure, sexy Eliza Felon. Throw in a couple of wacky sidekicks and you have the best and most action-packed RPG Maker game of all time.


Not too long ago, the RPG Maker Pavilion had a special feature featuring the RPG Maker we should've had, RPG Tsukuru 4. For those not in the know, it was the RPGM between our RPG Maker 1 and 2. We got Japan's RPG Tsukuru 3 for our RPGM1 instead due to RPGT4's team dispersing, which would've left Agetec, our guys who have been bringing us the console RPG Makers, without any help in localization.


Over the course of the year 2007, RPG Maker magazine (the Mag) has undergone some changes. And while some were for the good, it seems as though for every good aspect that came into light, at least two aspects of ill intent would raise their ugly head to the community. And all you are left to do is figure out why.
Well, let's try and see if we can't do just that.
Well, let's try and see if we can't do just that.


Community Relations agent The Gnasher interviewed one of the very few members of the RPG Maker Magazine site who hold the title of Magonian Legend, Lantis. Lantis is known in the community for his work (together with SarahsKnight) in the game "Secret of Everyone: Arc Arath", for RPGM1, and for his unusual views on relationships. The following is the full interview, unmodified (except for very minor grammatical corrections), which took place between June 28 and July 6th 2007 through Private Messages in the forum.


Sushi Samurai GO!! is the telling of a quite strange tale of two people named Sushi and Pudding who quest to stop Evil Legolas and his master, Maester Biff from taking over the world. Or should I say crazy tale? If you thought Alice in Wonderland was trippy, then let me tell you that you've seen nothin' yet.


Yes, this is the same "Nano Bot" made by the talented Dave Carter that one the RPG Maker Pavilion contest. Saying that, I knew it had to be good. One, it's made by Dave carter, very well known for his awesome games. Two, It uses an improved version of Dave's platformer engine for RPGM, and three, its passed Valkysas' test and came out victorious in the Final RPGM Contest at the RPG Maker Pavilion. I couldn't wait to try out Nano Bot.<br>


Hi everyone.
Ixion asked me if I wanted to do a review for him, so..here I am! Since I got to pick which game I review here, I decided to go with Xisthruous' The Spiteful Dead. Many of you may have not seen Xisthruos around..or even heard of him. Well regardless of how well-known he is or not, he has made a great game.
Ixion asked me if I wanted to do a review for him, so..here I am! Since I got to pick which game I review here, I decided to go with Xisthruous' The Spiteful Dead. Many of you may have not seen Xisthruos around..or even heard of him. Well regardless of how well-known he is or not, he has made a great game.


Crazy Skating is an innovative and fun game for RPG Maker. This game proves that with the right amount of imagination, a game maker can create any type of game. Of course, with the limitations of RPG Maker (especially in graphics) this game is nowhere in the league of the legendary Skate Boarding games that have blessed the Playstation and Playstation 2 consoles. In fact, the custom sprites are mediocre but they do look like what they're supposed to be for the most part. Still, you don't play an RPG Maker game for graphics so let's get down to the gameplay.<br>
This game is fun; let me emphasize that for all you game creators that think it's enjoyable to make game after game that involve the generic story of rescuing damsels in distress, fighting monsters and solving mundane puzzles. Fun! Make the game fun! And Jerbils has certainly done that with this one. The controls are simple and the tricks are funny to watch. Especially when you get to knock people in holes, toss boulders on top of mugger's heads and start raging infernos.<br>
But, this game is not perfect. So, without further ado, let me get into the scoring for this delightful chapter in RPG Maker history.
This game is fun; let me emphasize that for all you game creators that think it's enjoyable to make game after game that involve the generic story of rescuing damsels in distress, fighting monsters and solving mundane puzzles. Fun! Make the game fun! And Jerbils has certainly done that with this one. The controls are simple and the tricks are funny to watch. Especially when you get to knock people in holes, toss boulders on top of mugger's heads and start raging infernos.<br>
But, this game is not perfect. So, without further ado, let me get into the scoring for this delightful chapter in RPG Maker history.