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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: Aoi Tsunamiden
Review: Aoi Tsunamiden
By: Lantis | Published: September 10, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


I went into this title, unexpecting, and oblivious to anything it had to offer. I mean, with a name like this title carries, who knew what it would be about. Well, I can safely say it was nothing too original, nor boring.

The game is a simple vampire hunting fiasco. That leads itself into a spiral of confusion, and darkness. I mean this in many different lights. Of course, you could turn the lights on and find a decent artistic expression of a vampire driven world. Then turn it off and find a drab script, and rehearsed dialogue. Well, most can take this with a spoon full of sugar, as it isn't entirely forced. Some lines, are very natural, and fit the scenario perfectly. While others, feel as if the designer became lazy half way through. But, alas I'm getting ahead of myself let me approach this step by step.


The gameplay seemed decent, once you traverse through the first area. The pacing becomes horrible, and the difficulty goes off the charts. I sighed in despair, when the monsters attack percentage went from two to three points of damage, to ten to twenty-five. Although it doesn't seem like a massive leap, a "beef quest" or a "level up-athon" is not something game players want in this fast paced game in, game out world. No one likes a simple-minded "beef-athon" where you have to be between level fifteen before you traverse the second area. B-o-r-i-n-g.


Well, honestly I'm not sure where to start here. I think I can begin, and end this by saying your a female demon slayer, that in intertwined in a quest to kill the evil overlord. And, along those axis' you have people "mysteriously" joining, and leaving your party. I say this based on the fact of unknowing where these "party members" come from! Case in point, your in the forest traversing your merry way through and this character is standing in your way. Of course your forced to have him join your party, which isn't a bad thing. But then he leaves your party, by saying "Goodbye"... alright, then you don't see him again. Just as your approaching the exit, that's what he says...odd to say the least.


I know it sounds like I've been slamming this game, left and right. And some points I would agree. However, in the artistic field, the artist knows where it's at. He takes most of the tilesets to new levels. Some unique examples are a simple dressing room, with a cleverly designed mirror, or a bridge that crosses a ravine leading torward the foreboding castle. Decent scenes. However, many of the fade-outs deliver abrupt endings. And, screw up most of the pacing. And, I hate to end the best aspect of this title on a bad night. However, what must be done, must be done. The game uses many pre-made tileset maps. Which are definately beautiful in their own accord, but hinder creativity. Of course. In the future, create your own maps.


A well structured gameplay system. The spells are in order, and the game runs decent.Should have simmered, then brought to a boil. Not completely done.


This category takes most titles straight to the floor. And, this is one of them. It should have been left in the over a little longer, because it's not fully done. A random mis-spelling now and then. And, a very frequent, and annoying use of syntax. Earlier in the review, I mentioned the story being abruptly unsatisfactory. This, case in point has to do with the linear gameplay. Many cases had the player able to roam free, and not under a barrier to learn the story in the first place. Control the player, don't let it control the game. Odd, as that sounds. Heed my words.


Not very.

There isn't a lot of vampire slaying rpg's out there. So when one comes along most will snatch it up. However, this is one to leave in the database. Not worth a download, unless your looking for a somewhat decent artistic experience. Just prepare yourself for a LOT of grinding.

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