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Not many have played the original to the popular DS title: Final Fantasy III. And the reason being is that we never were given the original. Also, that is also partially the reason we got our numbers mixed up with later Final Fantasies, like Final Fantasy VI. Though, back in the day, I had the privlage to play through the entirety of the original... and with just recently beaten the DS version, I would like to take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts.


This is a list of cliches that were compiled in 2003 by RPG Maker Magazine and the forum of VGR.
The Big List of RPG Cliches
Avoid as many as you can if making an RPG!
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Click here for Word version
^Looks better in it, too.
The Big List of RPG Cliches
Avoid as many as you can if making an RPG!
For Word version, type this in your address bar:
Click here for Word version
^Looks better in it, too.


This article is the first of hopefully many. RPG Maker Magazine reviews are articles for games not made by RPG Maker, but current gaming publishers. I encourage anyone to write up articles for games as well seeing as we are kind of in the doldrums with RPG Maker games.
So without further adieu: Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP.


As you read this, me and SK are playing through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Got it on a big screen and are just chillin'. Well, SK is finding out for the first time how retarded the laws function of this game is. In fact, some really really unfortunate things have been happening to him in this game due to the laws.


You are Agent Mitchell Conners of United States Special Operations Command, who's on mission is to uncover an underground narcotics ring who recent reports have disclosed that they have been working on a hallucinogenic stimulant called "Wait in Line" that is 20x more addictive than heroin. You have to help Agent Conners through over a dozen levels of intricate booby traps and enemy gunfire, all while rescuing the only witness to a confirmed drug transaction, the demure, sexy Eliza Felon. Throw in a couple of wacky sidekicks and you have the best and most action-packed RPG Maker game of all time.