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Ad -- Genji
Game: Four Elements Part 1
Platform: RPG Maker
You play as Matt a wizard from the ice kingdom to follow your
friend a fire kingdom knight. In the first part you jorney
through the lands of the Earth kingdom and the Ice Kingdom
while meeting allies to aid you in you search for the fire
knight. call upon the gods to smite all your fores or heal you.
Also the ability to learn spells from diffrent statures that you
find in your travels.
Darklink's Quest (RM3)
From DarkLinkOmega
Dark Link has been revived and is on a quest of vengeance
for what the defeat he suffered at the hands of Link. But
is aiding him in the quest fun?
Reviewer N.L.Y. breaks it down.
Personal Site
Faith of One, The (RM2) 
From Dragaron
A Christianity-based game with the creator's wife as
the main character. It scored in the Pavilion "Anything
Goes" contest, but what does the Mag have to say?
Doyleman has the answer.
Personal Site
Series 1: Destiny Beckons (RM3)
From Perversion
Valencia, bound on a quest to save her homeland, must
discover the purpose of her imprisonment for many years
earlier and becomes entangled in a bigger purpose.
Reviewer N.L.Y. discloses if you should want to
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