Official RPG Maker Magazine
ID: Vol. 3, Issue 2
June 2006
Head of Site

Lord Ixzion
HoS Apprentice

Oblivion Dragon
Head Reviewer

Kratos Aurion
Head Previewer

Head of Forums

Graphic Designer

Josaigdan Preview. P6.

RPGMM Awards. P4.

Game of the Issue. P5.

DOS Summer. P10.
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Discuss a memorable moment relating to RPGM.
Writer(s): RPGMM Staff
The usual gang of Magonians (plus a new face) talk about memorable
moments relating to their RPG Maker past.
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Reader's Voice
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Why did Ixzion cross the road?
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
This is the biggest Reader's Voice of all time, coming in
at over 20 responses. I promise on all of your lives, I
will never again write so many of my responses to unworthy people
such as yourselves.
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Community focus
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
The following articles and more are ready for your viewing pleasure:
- The results of last issue's poll
- Make your games alive writeup
- RPG Maker Pavilion news
- Rumor Mill: More potentially possible real news than ever!
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School's Out!
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
School's finally out for summer, people! Get yourself a nice,
cold one (whatever you like) and relax with help from the
sites of the issue!
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Cover Story
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The RPGMM Awards are back!
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
Tired of not having a say in Top 10 lists? Know a game that's
overlooked but is one of the greatest of all time (in your
opinion)? Well, with the RPGMM Awards, it's time to let your
voice be heard!
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Game of the Issue (GOTI)
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Game of the Issue: Whispers in the Woods
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
Whispers in the Woods (RM3) is RPGMM's Game of the
Issue and the first RPG Maker 3 game to achieve this honor!
The spooky vibe and puzzle-based gameplay are just two reasons
not to pass up on this game!
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2 new previews!
Writer(s): Fayorei (HP), Taizongames, 1ce, Draygone, KumoShinagi, Lantis
The preview team been under some pressure and going through a reorganization,
but it didn't stop them from dishing out some hot new previews!
- Josaigdon and the Arcane
- Ursus Quest: Shadow of the Towers
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Release List
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Newsflash! People are still making games!!
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
Summer's in the air, and so is the amount of games being made
by the RPG Maker community! Check out the list for the latest
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3 new game reviews!
Writer(s): Kratos Aurion (HR), Rhen2002, Doyleman , N.L.Y.
The review crew is steadily plowing ahead! These are the newest
reviews for Issue 3.2!
- DarkLink's Quest (RM3)
- Faith of One, The (RM2)
- Series 1: Destiny Beckons (RM3)
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Review List
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Yet more review scores attached to the list!
Writer(s): Lord Ixzion
You'll be able to find a quick reference for all reviews in RPGMM
history without having to backtrack through issues right here!
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