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 Issue Index
Issue 3.2 Cover Story: The RPG Maker Magazine Awards are back!
The RPGMM Awards are back!

Back in the day, this showcased the cream of the crop of RPG Makers, and so shall it again!

The RPG Maker Magazine Awards is one of the biggest events of the year for the RPG Maker community. The Awards, nominated and voted on by the actual community, are given to the games, produced within the last year, and their creators in recognition of their mutual excellence in the field of RPG Maker.

All RPG Maker games are eligible to win awards this year. However, only games made between the end of the Awards and the beginning of the next Awards will be allowed next year.

Here's where the community comes in.

A forum has been created (it is free for all visitors to post in; you don't have to register on the forums) for each RPG Maker, and members of the community will be free to nominate any game of their choosing for each award until August 2nd, 2006, 11:59pm EST.

RPGMM Awards Nomination Forum

Note: If you're working on a game, get it done by then.

Then, they will be put to polls to allow everyone in the community to vote on. The top 2 in each category will receive awards, which will be noted in the RPGMM Game Vault and be used as that developer sees fit to promote his or her game.

Results will be shown on August 10th, 2006, after 7 days of voting.

Nominations started June 1, 2006.

The Awards
Listed below, with accompanying award image and description, are the 8 Official RPG Maker Magazine Awards.

For this issue, all of the awards are in black and white. However, on the date of the awards ceremony, all of the awards will be in color.

All illustrations were done by Fayorei.

RPGMM Award: Mastiphal
Awarded to games that are perfect, or close to it. These games have some of the best graphics, stories, and custom elements that elavate it over its peers in the RPG Maker community. The creators of such games are some of the finest to ever hold a controller and/or keyboard. Oh, and put the award down, Mischievous Thief!
RPGMM Award: Golden Journey
Awarded to the greatest epic games. These games feature some of the greatest quests ever designed in the RPG Maker community. Even if you're finding the crystals, the story is so epic and well-told that you'll hardly care. Headstrong Fighter is reading about one of these quests as we speak.
Awarded to the funniest games. These games contain some of the most gut-bustingly funny material in the community. Family-friendly humor, gross humor, political humor, you name it: if it's funny you're looking for, look no further than these games! Thief has already played them, and she thinks they're a riot.
Awarded to the strangest games out there. Sometimes, games are produced in the RPG Maker community that no one knows what to make of it. Everything in the game is out of whack, or the games just have bizarre elements. Check these games out for something different... or not; Sexy Black Mage is staring at one of them, aghast, now.
RPGMM Award: Rulebreaker
Awarded to games that redefine what can be done in RPG Maker. These games fly in the face of convention and the limitations of its host RPG Maker and delivers a game that changes what developers can do with the software. Fighter is busy slicing up the rules right now, it would seem.
RPGMM Award: Graphic Sage
Awarded to games with outstanding graphical design. These games carry the distinction of having some of the most detailed and beautiful graphics in the community. Expertly-designed enviroments, decadent houses, lush forests, and more define this award. You can always ask Cute Li'l White Mage for help, too. She's handy with art supplies.
RPGMM Award: Gameplay Guru
Awarded to games that are extremely fun to play. Who wants to play a game if what you can do in it amounts to glorified math? Games featuring this award are extremely fun to play, regardless of how they look. If you want a good time, play these games! Even White Mage went old-school joystick for this one!
RPGMM Award: Game Plague
Awarded to games that are extremely bad. These games are the créme de la crud. Typically idea abortions that made it into game form, these games have bad graphics, gameplay, features, and much more; all bad. You will not have a good time playing something like this, and it will cling to your soul like this horrible slime clings to Black Mage.