RPG Maker Magazine Issue 2.1 Contents
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RPGMM Editorial 2.1: What Do You Think of RPG Maker XP?
Writers: RPGMM Staff
Rumors have been spread that RPG Maker XP may be released here in the states. Upon hearing this, we knew we had to give our opinions about it. You know you like our opinions. Also, big news about the Mag/Pav merger and new leader of the RPG Maker Pavilion. Here's a hint: it's not Lord Ixzion! :p

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Reader's Voice: Send in your Reader's Voice ideas!
Writers: Lord Ixzion and Really Awesome
You know, Rob (Really Awesome, duh) and I ran out of ideas. Therefore, we came to the ingenous decision to let you guys give us ideas. And we'll rate them all and probably use all of them, too. You may now worship us.

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Articles: RPG Maker XP!
Writer: Lord Ixzion
Our new section of RPGMM's issues system features an new interface for getting out new infomation to mobilize. In this inaugural edition, we take a look at RMXP! Sign the petition inside so that we have a chance to get it, too!

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Review List - Quick Glances at all of RPGMM's Reviews
Compiler: Lord Ixzion
You'll be able to find a quick reference for all reviews in RPGMM history without having to backtrack through issues right here!

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Release List: Updated the Release List!
Compiler: Lord Ixzion
The list of games being developed with RPGM2 has been modified and recompiled! We have updated the roster of games and added new ones.

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Off-the-Wall: Happy Independence Day!
Writer: Lord Ixzion
Happy Independence Day, guys! While this is technically past Independence Day, this whole month is about independence if you believe it in your heart! Well, enough with that Hallmark Moment...

I don't know how many people know this, but this is not only the birth month of the United States, but of Canada, too! We wish these partner nations good will and may good fortune be bestowed upon them both.

Anyway, we're thrown in some new twists to the Off-the-Wall page, including member birthdays and...well...you'll see when you get there. But...it's probably just the birthday list. Yeah.

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Cover Story: Make the Craziest RPG Contest!
Writers: Lord Ixzion & Oblivion Dragon

We're here to tell you about RPG Maker Magazine's Make the Craziest RPG contest! We want you to make the craziest, out-of-nowhere RPG you can think of! And to top it off, we have prizes for you guys, too!

We know some people may have either RPGM1 or RPGM2. Therefore, it's open to both RPGMs! Now you have no excuse. You should love us now!

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Demo/Full Game of the Issue
Writer: Lord Ixzion

Defenders of Light (Full; CBS version) is this issue's winner! The game features cool characters, funtastic gameplay, and stands out as one of Shawn Forbes' best efforts for RPGM.

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Guides, Advice, FAQs: New Installment!
Writer: KingSpoom

KingSpoom has written another piece of his help series, Introduction to RPG Design. This one is dealing with motive and plot. Also, Oblivion Dragon has given us the latest update of his Music Creation Guide! If you want custom music, that's the ticket!

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Previews: Three times the charm!
Previewer: Lord Ixzion

This issue, we once again trifecta of interviews with developers on some potentially hot games. It looks like adventures are coming back in style (Animal Adventure, The Awakener) with one featuring a female protagonist (Death Collector). What a time to live in!

Previews with the following developers are in this issue.
  • Animal Adventure - GoobtheBoob
  • Awakener, The - Spice Dog
  • Death Collector - Ultimate Shadow
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Reviews: We have 5 reviews!
Reviewers: Lord Ixzion, Oblivion Dragon, Syviar (guest)

We've gotten busy on reviews this time. We have 5 new ones to add to our evergrowing list of game reviews!

Reviews of the following games are in this issue.
  • Animal Adventure - GoobtheBoob
  • MiniGame RPG - Shawn Forbes
  • Nano-Bot - Dave Carter
  • Spiteful Dead, The - Xisthruos
  • Sushi Samurai GO!! - Jake and Rachel
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RPG Maker Magazine Issue 2.1