Editorial 2.1: What do you think about RPG Maker XP?
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 Lord Ixzion
Webmaster, Chief Reviewer and Editor
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Dislikes: Hard work, but gets by anyway.
Motto: If the going gets tough, QUIT.

What do you think about RPG Maker XP? Think it will change the entire community and bring new people in? What excites you the most about it so far?

Much like last issue, before I start off my response to this month's topic, I have to make a few announcements. The first thing is that I am no longer running the RPG Maker Pavilion. It was decided that someone else should take over the position. And that person is Valkysas. The decision was unexpected by nearly everyone, including yours truly. But since Valk is currently running things, let's wish him good luck in his tenure over there.

Also, the merger is off! This was also announced the same day as the other announcement above. It was equally unexpected, as I had been the one in charge of making that site. It was coming along pretty decently, but it's on the back burner now. Anyway, at least site-wise, we are trying to be civil. We don't need any extra drama on us, so let's try to be positive about all of this, yes?

We've been devoid of updates for a while, and that's mainly because of my classes and work. For the rest of the summer, I should be able to make attempts at updates. And the last 3 months have sort of been slim pickings, too. Nothing really to update. But anything you have is more than welcome to be sent to submissions@rpgmmag.com and please note that you must start the subject off with [RMag] or else I will not respond due to a swarm of viruses swimming in the email.

On to the subject. What do I think of RPG Maker XP? I think that if it does get translated and sold, I'll be very happy. I'm a lover of RPGs, and ever since a method became available to make them myself, I have been in heaven. The first RPGM was amazing and the second one is still being tested and perfected by many who want to make their own games. I have seen systems and custom effects that could make me squeal like a schoolgirl, including the beginnings of a tactical battle system. But I think RMXP, if it keeps the strongest points of the first two stateside games, we will have an amazing device on our hands.

This new game will definitely change the community for the better. More people nowdays have computers than Playstations and better yet, there will be no extra peripherals to buy. Just trade it, since it will be on the computer anywyay! I expect we could see a mighty influx of people and games. Even new communities that could probably be as great RPGMM and the Pav. Or even beat the both of them. Who knows? We'd have to wait and see.

The main thing that excites me right now about this new game is the fact that it combines the best of RM1 and mixes it with the best of RM2. With a sprinkle of the RM2k series. Oops. I said a dirty word. RM2k, that is. :p But whether you like it or not, everyone has to admit that the series is one of the best. It's unfortunate those weren't brought here. However, I expect new types of games will be made with XP. What kind? It's all up to you creators out there.

Well, that wraps up what I have to say. The Mag is not going to die (hell, we've been here for over two years), we will be updating, and we're back and doing what we do best. We're gonna knock all of ya dead! :D


Head Previewer
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I think the new RPGMXP looks really nice. I think of it as what RPG Maker could have and should have been. There's so many new opportunities with this new, sleek software. No longer do developers of more traditional RPGs have to resort to complex codings to do a simple variable event. Plus, it opens more options for myself to perhaps push out a complete game... maybe even my work in progress for quite some time now, Bando Craze.

I think the entire community will change on a moderate level. People who left the RPGM console series behind because of too much limitation would be ecstatic over a legalized PC RPG Maker with sprite and music importing. So far, I'm excited about the entirely new games people would make with this nice piece of software. Also, I'd like to see custom graphics used in the new wave of RPGMXP games... I love to see how design varies. This is why I was impressed with Dave Carter's "Crazy Horse". ^_^

Cover Artist
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In the correct hands, this can become a very popular device among pc newbies that don't have the constitution to mess with the console RPGM series. It provides a well built engine and easy to learn langauge for those without programming knowhow (and to those with the knowhow, the engine is still a good selling point) Though staying in 2D it keeps the superior script system from RM2 and fixes most if not all of the problems with it. And hopefully with an ability to import custom materials, I'd definatly pick it up. I look forward to seeing all the creations made with it and hope that a US release comes.


Head Reviewer
Likes: Band, Falling Cows
Dislikes: None. For now...
Motto: I'm Drum Major!

A legal release of XP would be great, and would more than likely bring a whole new group of visitors to the mag. I love how it appears to be far more limitless than even RPGM2. Many great things are possible with this new makes, as shown in the trial version, and it would be a great asset to own.

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Okay.. provided this version of RPG Maker gets here and officially released, it will be a great thing for the RPG Maker community. Us and any others.

It could possibly get some old 2Kers (for anybody who doesn't know, a 2ker is somebody who used a pirated version of RPG Maker for the computer) to play a legit version of RPG Maker, join a community, and help us out with ideas and other such things.

Plus, it would generate more members due to people who have a computer and not a PS2/PS1. I'm sure the PS1/PS2 ports of it were slightly annoying to people who didn't have one.

All in all, I havn't seen or heard much about it. All I know is that it's for the computer, which possibly entails lots of juicy features.


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I think it will help a lot. You have all the console RPG Maker people will want it and most already do. From what I've seen, there are TONS of people from 2k and 2k3 that would get this game. They would come here too if they knew about it. And I've played around with the trial version. Though I can't read the Japanese, I can guess at what each thing does. Being a friend of an avid PC RPG Maker user, I've been able to see what it does and I've learned from it. It's a pretty simple interface, XP is. The Ruby Scripting stuff is not necessary, but can be used by those who want their games to be more unique. While the trial version may not hold much for you to play around with, you can already tell this RPG Maker is going to go far. The graphics are nice and with 3 layers instead of 2, you can do more things with your maps. It's a great program and hopefully it will be released legally this time.
