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My good friend and fellow Mag dweller, Myoky, brought up a good question on the first night I was playing Xenoblade Chronicles X. Something to the effect of, “Fay- why are you so hyped for this game?”
At the time, I couldn't quite formulate the answer this question deserved, because it's a long answer.
But now, here it is.


Fantasy Life. At first glance, the title seems generic, maybe a bit shallow. Names can be deceiving. In this new 3DS RPG by LEVEL-5, you are able to decide what kind of life you will live by leveling up various professions from trade skills to more traditional RPG classes. Fans of the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory series will feel right at home with this title! In addition to the single player mode, you can have friends join you in either local or internet multiplayer. Your biggest challenge will be to not pick up every item in sight! What will you make of your Fantasy Life?
Check out more in the official reveal trailer and gameplay footage after the jump!


I'm probably not the go-to person for Xenoblade Chronicles. Not even close. Despite being an avid supporter of seeing the game reach our shores, it still lies with many other Wii games in my backlog. Despite this, Xenoblade Chronicles X definitely rekindled the love despite not consuming the first offering yet. During Nintendo's E3 Livestream, the game received much love in terms of the time delegated to it. You will be playing as yourself- male or female- and customize an avatar to overcome a crisis that has created the need to flee Earth. During this escape, you are forced to crash land on a foreign planet. You must now continue the journey at this point. Can you rebuild? Is there a larger mystery at play?
Check out more with the trailer after the jump! Be sure to also view all of the gameplay footage from today's Livestream event captured by Operation Rainfall!


What in the world is Splatoon? That was my first impression upon hearing about the title in Nintendo's E3 Livestream lineup. It turns out the title is very indicative of its nature- it's a third person turf-war 4v4 shooter multiplayer game. AND it has online play. I'm sold. And I think most of the Mag will be, too. See it in motion in the official trailer and part of the livestream coverage below the jump!

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