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E3 2014: Splatoon
By: Fayorei | Published: June 10, 2014 16:03 pm | Gaming



What in the world is Splatoon? That was my first impression upon hearing about the title in Nintendo's E3 Livestream lineup. It turns out the title is very indicative of its nature- it's a third person turf-war 4v4 shooter multiplayer game. AND it has online play. I'm sold. And I think most of the Mag will be, too. See it in motion in the official trailer and part of the livestream coverage below the jump!

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Comments (4)
June 12, 2014 01:29 am


Lantis wrote:
You know, when you were talking to me about it in person, you really didn't mention how it doesn't seem to rely so much on kills as it does how much land you seemingly control. And Ix's "It's like Call of Duty but-" was really not the appropriate way to go about describing this. It's definitely interesting.

Yeah, I was trying to get there but I sometimes have trouble impromptu articulating! However, it's true- it is an ink turf war! I am betting on the actual game having several modes of accomplishing this to give some variety. It seemed to be a huge crowd favorite at E3, and I am excited to play!
June 11, 2014 06:19 pm


Lantis wrote:
You know, when you were talking to me about it in person, you really didn't mention how it doesn't seem to rely so much on kills as it does how much land you seemingly control. And Ix's "It's like Call of Duty but-" was really not the appropriate way to go about describing this. It's definitely interesting.

You didn't even let me finish, Kanye. I said that it was like Call of Duty, but completely not. :p

Besides, the trailer tells the tale I could not.
June 11, 2014 11:36 am


Now this has potential to ruin more than one evening. I'm sold.
June 11, 2014 08:22 am


You know, when you were talking to me about it in person, you really didn't mention how it doesn't seem to rely so much on kills as it does how much land you seemingly control. And Ix's "It's like Call of Duty but-" was really not the appropriate way to go about describing this. It's definitely interesting.
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