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Let's Race: Kirby's Dreamland
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's a short unofficial race. The game was picked between all of us and the winner or runner up don't pick the next game. Though it was Dray's idea to play extra mode. Ugh.

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  • Playlist: One-video-long races
Let's Race: Super Mario World
Let's Race: Super Mario World - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's the conclusion to the race. Chances were taken... potential was lost. But at least fun was had. Anyways, we'll be having another off-shoot race uploaded before the next race that was mentioned in the video. Though one of our racers is out of town for a while, so I'm not entirely sure if it'll be up next Friday or not. If not, I'll put up something. I just don't know what. Be sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario World
Let's Race: Super Mario World
Let's Race: Super Mario World - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Hey, guys. Here's part 2. I think at one point we had two pairs of people side-by-side in this one. Riveting stuff. Also, the previous struggle for last place isn't going to be as close as I once expected. Be sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario World
Let's Race: Super Mario World
Let's Race: Super Mario World - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Welcome back guys. After a few weeks that were... a little problematic, we're back. Since Ix's win last time, he's chosen Super Mario World. The only rules are no star road and no deliberately flying over or swimming under levels. Also, no back door entrance to Bowser's Castle. In addition to us five, we have Duelpro. He's a long time Mag member and is going to join in.

Be sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario World
Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic 1 - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Trying things a bit different this time. It was brought to my attention that people might actually be viewing these on mobile devices, consoles, or tablets. So annotations won't work. So from now on, I'll start properly labeling each screen instead of using annotations. You can still click the names to go to that person's channel though. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. In this video we'll be finishing up the game. But fortunately, we decided to record another race right after. It'll be another "unofficial" race. Meaning that it was picked by all of us in general, and the winner doesn't pick the next race. It still goes to the winner of this race.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic 1 - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. And we're finally back. Everyone's back from the holidays so now we can get back to racing. This time around it's ShadowFox's pick. So we are racing through Sonic 1.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Here is the conclusion of the race. While it wasn't a very close race, I still think this'll be quite memorable. Trust me.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Here, the majority of us make some progress. While others.... not so much.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2 - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. We're back. This time we're racing SMB2. Also we're using Google Hangout instead of Skype to communicate. Not only can we VOIP, but we can now see each other's progress though the game. As usual, mouse over the individual screens to see who the racer is for that feed. If annotations aren't up yet, they will be soon. I tried to set them as private so I could annotate and then send public, but for some reason this method will result in some people not getting a notification in their subscription box. Lesser of two evils, I suppose.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 2
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Part 4
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. I would probably recommend reading this after the race. If you watched till the end, you know we had a bit of confusion about who won. So here's a link to the poll I had mentioned I'd create in the race:
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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Okay, so here's the deal. Draygone moved from emulator to console from part 2 to part 3. Loading up a different save, he got to where he was on the emulators. Problem was, the airship flew past the levels he had previously completed on emulator but skipped on console to save time. The first level he completed in this video he had already beaten, and from 3:00 to 5:30 he had to re-beat levels he already cleared.

So instead of having everyone pause like we did in the DKC2 race, I calculated that it was a total of 3 minutes and 12 seconds of time he lost, so I'll take that much time off his final time once he beats Bowser. Fair?

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Here's part 2. Things seem to be fairly close this time around. Also, be sure to timestamp moments in comments. It's hard watching six screens at once and people are naturally going to miss awesome moments... specially if the racer doesn't call it out at the time it happened.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3 - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. I was fairly sure this game was going to become a race at some point. So here's SMB3. The only rule really is that we can't use whistles to skip worlds We can skip levels though, so this at least won't last too long.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario Bros. 3
Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Portal - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. I'm glad that we tried something non-Nintendo for once... and I hope it isn't the last time. I don't want to leave the impression that we are fanboys, you know? But still, we probably won't be doing another PC game like this any time soon. If you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in comments. The next race will be Super Mario Bros.3 which will start next Friday. I usually like to take a break between races, but I think I'll push myself a little this time. So, catch you next Friday.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Portal - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. I only got about four hours of sleep last night trying to get this up in time. And even still, there are problems. Framrate drops, borders, syncing... never again will we do PC games. NEVER. But I do hope we'll expand from the seemingly Nintendo only titles we do. But I digress. Here's part 2. Hope you enjoy it.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Portal - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. The first and only time we will be doing a PC based Let's Race. This took way too long to set up and get started. And even then we had a few issues. I tried to fix them as best I could, so don't be to harsh with me.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Part 4
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Sorry about all the rage. Hopefully we'll get that worked on so these have a more light-hearted vibe from here on out. Secondly, this video is a prime example of the person winning isn't always the most exciting to watch. The fight or 5th place at the end of this race was probably the most epic thing I've seen out of all these races. If there was a three second difference, there would have been a different person in 5th. This is how I want the races to be.

Anyways, thanks for watching the race. The next race up will be an unofficial race of Portal.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Looking a little one-sided by this point, but hopefully entertaining never the less. Final video will be up next Friday.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Here's part 2 of the race. It seems people split up over which world they went to after the second boss... making it a bit difficult to track who's in what place. But at least it's not a blow out for second place.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3 - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry.Well, we're back for another race. And this time we're going to finish up the DKC trilogy (and yes, it's just a trilogy, Returns doesn't exist as far as I'm concerned). Anyways, fair warning, this game brought it out in a few of us, so language this time around will be a bit more harsh. Shouldn't be the case in future races though.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Donkey Kong Country 3
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