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LP Content (viewing 6521-6540 of 6835 items)
Let's Play Lost Vikings
Let's Play The Lost Vikings - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
In which we kind of see this getting a bit more difficult that we last remembered... ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Lost Vikings
Let's Play CT: Flames of Eternity
Let's Play Chrono Trigger: Flames of Eternity - Part 17
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
In which we finally begin our assault on King Zeal. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play CT: Flames of Eternity
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Let's Race: Rescue Rangers
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Before we get into Bubble Bobble, we decided to take a short trip through another Capcom/Disney title. When we were debating on what to race last time, it was between this and The Little Mermaid... also a Capcom/Disney game. Anyways, this is a fairly short race. Hopefully we can get things set up and going so that I'll have something for next Friday. If not, I'll upload something... I just don't know what. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: One-video-long races
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Banana Cup) - Sixth Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Almost there. Only two cups left. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Oh, boy. Here we go. You guys wanted it, so here it is. This is going to be a good experiment actually. I've read in a few comments that some of you guys want to see longer races. Well, This is it. So if you like how this turns out, be sure to let me know. Hopefully, this will be one to remember. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Gunstar Heroes
Let's Race: Gunstar Heroes - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's the conclusion to Gunstar Heroes, where I manage to called it "Gunstar Hero" every time I mention the game. Look forward to the next race as it surely will be Chrono Trigger. It's been our most requested race so far, so you'll get it. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Gunstar Heroes
Let's Race: Gunstar Heroes
Let's Race: Gunstar Heroes - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's another one-off race. Orange Gamer thought it would be a good idea to race Gunstar Heroes, and I couldn't agree more. I love this game. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Gunstar Heroes
Let's Race: Castle of Illusion
Let's Race: Castle of Illusion - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
I have to apologize about part 1. Not only did I get screens reversed, I also completely forgot to use the current position insert before the end of the video. Won't make those mistakes again. Anyways, here's the rest of Castle of Illusion. Until ShadowFox comes back, we'll probably start dipping into the user suggested races so be sure to go put a suggestion in there. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Castle of Illusion
Let's Race: Castle of Illusion
Let's Race: Castle Of Illusion - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
UPDATED. PLEASE READ: I've done goofed. I somehow managed to swap Draygone's and Orange Gamer's video feed. The only excuse I have is that I was genuinely in a rush to get this video out and wasn't paying attention. I am sorry, it won't happen again.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Castle of Illusion
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Lightning Cup) - Eighth Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here we are on the final cup. By now it should be abundantly clear who won the over all tournament here. Big contrats to you. Now, seeing as ShadowFox is going to be gone for a while, the winner for this will be picking the next race. This coming Friday we will start the next race. Though that NEXT Friday, I will be out of town all week in training for work, so there won't be a race video that Friday. I will have something uploaded, just not a race. Don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Leaf Cup) - Seventh Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Almost done. I'm currently trying to get the guys together to maybe race something to have ready to go for next week. Though we are going to be minus one as ShadowFox is making a fairly serious move. I'll keep you guys posted. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Shell Cup) - Fifth Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
All that is left now is the classic cup tracks. This being the first of four. I think it's also worth mentioning that we recorded this in a hotel room and somehow we did NOT get called for being too loud. Not sure how we managed that. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Special Cup) - Fourth Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's the fourth cup. Again, sorry for the late upload. Work has blocked Youtube, so I can't upload an annotate till I get home. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Star Cup) - Third Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's cup three. Sorry about the late upload, I can't do this from work anymore. All these uploads will have to be in the evening. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Flower Cup) - Second Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's the second of eight cups. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii (Mushroom Cup) - First Cup
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Hey guys. Once a year we get together in person, so this year we decided to record ourselves racing in person... on an actual racing game for once. We will be doing all eight cups in Mario Kart. But seeing as they are so short (and I don't think anyone would want to see this drag out for two months) I'll be uploading these twice a week. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mario Kart Wii
Let's Race: Bubble Bobble
Let's Race: Bubble Bobble - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
There were a few changes I would have liked to make to this video. But I was only able to render this out in time last night. Magcon kind of pushed everything aside till fairly last minute. But speaking of which, we will have the Magcon Mario Kart races coming up soon. So there's that. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Bubble Bobble
Let's Race: Bubble Bobble
Let's Race: Bubble Bobble - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Well, here's part 2. As mentioned previously, as I upload this, I'm getting ready to head out of the hotel room to spend some more time with the guys IRL at Magcon. We're actually going to be recording the Mario Kart Wii races today. So I hope you'll look forward to those. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Bubble Bobble
Let's Race: Bubble Bobble
Let's Race: Bubble Bobble - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Since Dray was the runner up on SMW that Ix chose, Dray decided to race Bubble Bobble on NES. Gameplay and music might be a bit repetitive, but I hope commentary makes it negligible. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Bubble Bobble
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Let's Race: The Little Mermaid
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Here's another race we are doing just to do it. This is not Ixzion's pick for winning Sonic 1. Like with Portal and Kirby's Dreamland, we're doing this just for funzzies. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Next week I'll be uploading a time lapse video of this race. A few of us are having some technical difficulties we need to work out before we get on camera again.

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  • Playlist: One-video-long races
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