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Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG - Part 4
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 18, 2013
Latest Update: October 18, 2013
In which we have to handle technical issues, but make it out unscathed. I should be lucky things like this don't happen very often. Anyways, this is about half way through the race, so we've still got a while before we are done. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.
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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Play Megaman Legends 2
Let's Play Megaman Legends 2 - Part 6
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 17, 2013
Surprise duck sex ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Megaman Legends 2
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
In which we take another good chunk out of Mario RPG. And Ixzion teaches us what true love is. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
In which we make some good headway. Just about two stars for everyone, so there's that. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Super Mario RPG - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
In which we begin another longer race. But Dray took the time to create a rom-hack of the game that essentially makes it a New Game + run as everyone has maxed out experience which should make things go by a bit faster. For those of you who do not care much for the longer races, this should really be our last one. There aren't any racable RPGs after this. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Super Mario RPG
Let's Race: Splosion Man
Let's Race: (Co-op) Splosion Man - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Sorry that part two was pushed back a week. But we wanted to dedicate a week to the 1k sub video. Anyways, here's the last part of the first world in Splosion Man. Next we will be racing Dray's pick, which is Mario RPG. Before you think that'll be too long, Dray created a rom-hack of the game where everyone starts off with max experience, so we should fly though the game. I hope you'll look forward to that. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Splosion Man
Let's Race: Splosion Man
Let's Race: (Co-op) Splosion Man - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
It's not often we are in person. It's also not often we have two xbox's together. So we decided to try anther co-op race. This time we are just doing the first to beat world 1. Otherwise this race would get close to the length of the CT race. Just in case the labeling is confusing, Remeer and I are on the top screen while Insultobot and Ixzion are on the bottom. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Splosion Man
Let's Race: Star Fox 64
Let's Race: Star Fox 64 - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Short one this week. This weekend I'm at Magcon West. I am uploading this on Insultobot's computer. Hopefully next week we'll be able to upload a very special video next week. Just kind of depends. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Star Fox 64
Let's Race: Star Fox 64
Let's Race: Star Fox 64 - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
With Ix's victory in Sonic 2 and Super Bowling, we're moving onto Star Fox 64. I really love this game, so I'm sure I'll embarrass myself by sucking badly somehow. But it's all good. The rules are blue path only. If you meet the requirements to move off of the blue path, change it back. Other than that, everything's fair game. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Star Fox 64
Let's Race: Turtles in Time
Let's Race: (Co-op) Turtles in Time - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
And so concludes our first co-op race. I have to say that Z-Net really pulled it's weight. We've tried using netplay before and it failed. This opens up a good number of options to us. Not to mention there are very few, if any, co-op races on Youtube at all. Anyways, I believe we will be racing Ixzion's pick next. So we'll see you then. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Turtles in Time
Let's Race: Turtles in Time
Let's Race: (Co-op) Turtles in Time - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As you might have seen from Sonic 2 and Super Bowling, Youtube has somehow managed to screw up my uploads. Their "fix" was a suggested way to render. So I'm trying it. This has affected many other youtubers as well. Anyways, here's Turtles in Time. This is our first attempt at doing a co-op race using a program called Z-Net to connect to one another. It was developed by the awesome DarkAkuma. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Turtles in Time
Let's Race: Sonic 2
Let's Race: Sonic 2 - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Youtube is having some problems and the beginning issue you see when the video starts has happened to other youtubers. I would wait and just upload later, but I'd like to keep the every Friday schedule.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic 2
Let's Race: Sonic 2
Let's Race: Sonic 2 - Part 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Hey, guys. We are back. And we've finally got around to Sonic 2. I think you guys will really like how close this one is. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default. Also, stick around after the video for the new end screen that Ixzion designed. Let me know what you think.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic 2
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 8
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
It took a good while, but we're done. I had a good time with it at least. Hope you enjoyed yourself too. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 7
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
In which I come to terms that I done goofed on my favorite game. Sad days. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

Also, mentioned in this video was the Kingdom of Zeal that I re-created in Minecraft. For those interested, you can find it here:

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 6
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
I hope everyone had a good Independence Day. Not a lot to mention here. We're getting really close to the end of the game. Be sure to let us know if you are enjoying this longer race versus the short 2 to 3 video long races. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 5
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
The upload is a little early today. I'm going to be gone all weekend and not sure if I'm going to have another opportunity to get the video up. Things are beginning to wind down as we all start making it towards the end of the game. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 4
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Half way there! Please ignore the beginning discussion about how we lost ShadofFox's audio. And mentioned in the previous video's description, SuperOrangeGamer was able to salvage it somehow or another. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 3
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
Okay, so there was a bit of a problem this time around. Originally, ShadowFox lost his audio. But OrangeGamer, being the epic person she is, somehow caught his audio and was able to isolate it. So she sent that to me and I was able to make the video whole once more. Though the quality wasn't the absolute best, so if you hear some weird things coming form ShadowFox's side, that's why. In the next part, we'll talk about why his audio was gone... even though it isn't. We didn't know at the time that it was salvageable. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
Let's Race: Chrono Trigger - Part 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Published: October 16, 2013
Latest Update: October 16, 2013
As slow going as it is, progress is made. This is the first race that we didn't do in one sitting... for obvious reasons. We did it in two. And I think you'll kind of notice towards the end how we're kind of glad we finished compared to how we are now. Anyways, how you enjoy. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Chrono Trigger
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