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 Issue Index
Issue 2.3 Previews: 4 New Reviews

Click on a picture to see the review.

Abyss of Vinsaga
Abyss of Vinsaga (RM)
From Joewoof
Part 1 in a planned series, AoV: Aquamoon Pandora follows the path of Jocz and Ivvako as they journey through the world, trying to figure out what's happening to it. But is it worth caring about? Reviewer Rhen2002 took it to task.
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Jester's Hunt
Jester's Hunt (RM)
From Draygone
One day, Mr. Knight is in his castle, when he gets a letter from his next-door neighbor, Jester. Upon entering the castle, he's greeted by Jester, and so begins a crazy adventure. An adventure you want to go on? Ixzion has the goods.
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Patrick's Journey
Patrick's Journey (RM)
From Hedrum
When Patrick hears a message about Sarah, Patrick decides to confront her and finds out that she is being possessed by a strange orb. Now, it's up to Patrick and his friends to find the secrets of this orb. Reviewer Rhen2002's at it again.
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Record of Lodoss War
Record of Lodoss War (RM3)
From Eclipse Studios
Based on the classic anime, Eclipse Studios brings us RPGMM's first demo not created by its own staff. Does it have work to do or is it a legend worthy to the name? Reviewer Doyleman gives us the 411 on it.
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