Off-the-Wall does...
Well, this brings to a close another issue of RPG Maker
Magazine. We hope you had as much fun reading it that we did
putting it together. But, before you go, check out the
last few goodies we have for you!
Thanks for reading and come back again!
-RPGMM Staff
Featured Off-the-Wall Site
Holidays.Net Thanksgiving
Something that really gets on my nerves is that Thanksgiving has apparently
disappeared from the face of the earth. This is mainly because that businesses
can't sell crap during this holiday, so they don't try. In fact, they start
advertising for Christmas in the middle of November! It's a basic FU to Thanksgiving.
But, I'm not going to let you readers forget, so here's a site that will tell
you all about the urban legend of Thanksgiving. Read it or you will be stabbed. Enjoy.
Featured RPG Maker/RPG-Related Site
The Domain of Doan the Nado
Since the release of RPG Maker 2, no other group has done more with
the software than the guys over at The Domain of Doan the Nado. This
place is filled with dedicated RM2 experts, who've managed to crank the juice
out of the platform, and continue to do so with amazing results. In fact,
the Game of the Issue winner, Brock Nash, hails from that site.
So, if you need RPG Maker 2 help, then head over there quick, fast, and in
a hurry. I doubt you'll be disappointed. Great job, guys.
Magonian of the Issue
Member since: 2004 |
Current Post Count: 2468 |
Current Rank/Title: Super Magonian-jin L2 |
Favorite Quote: "Whee!" |
Gothicmorman is a quite interesting person. Ever since coming to the
Mag months ago, she's made herself quite a presence on the forums.
By far the most active person on the forums AND the person with
the highest post count on the site (14% of total posts, too).
Although most of that post count is spam, she has always been
helpful to newbs and visits the other forums to spread her
thoughts on any subject (and eloquently, to boot).
A fantastic overall member of the forums, Gothicmorman is our Magonian
of the Issue! Congrats!
Magonian Birthdays This Issue
Altoecko - 4th
rpgdesigner - 11th
RPGProgrammer- 21st
Lord Ixzion - 22nd
Taizongames - 23rd
Swordie - 9th
Disgruntled_Girl - 15th
RPGMWizz - 30th
KingSpoom - 23rd
LibationBearer 24th
Version 6 - 28th