RPG Maker 3 and XP: What do you think?
For this issue, the RPGMM staff was asked to divulge their thoughts
about the release of RPG Maker 3 and RPG Maker XP.
The responses have been varied and some...flavorful. Check out
what we thought to the right.

Webmaster, Chief Reviewer and Editor
Likes: Earthbound, Rap, Decent People
Dislikes: Hard work, but gets by anyway.
Motto: If the going gets tough, QUIT.
This is what we needed. The return of RPG Maker, in splendid form, and
in a pair. RPG Maker 3 and XP are exactly what we needed. In fact, I
think that RPG Maker 3 is easily the second best console version, and
XP, well, is amazingly customizable.
However, I don't have time to learn another language to make the kind
of ground-breaking title for XP, so I'm sticking with 3. This game was
so easy, I created a demo in 24 hours. It was a crappy demo, but it was
a demo, nonetheless. That testifies to the core strength of RM3: ease.
(Almost) Anything you want to do, in non-blurry, early-PS2 graphics.
The only downside is the lack of customization. If this game had only
the amount of options that RM1 had, I would say that the crown had been
taken. Alas, it's not. But it's good at what it does: helping you create
a fantasy RPG that looks pretty decent.
Now, as the big man, I can't just touch on the editorial topic. I have
to branch off and talk about other things. First off on the list, how
do you guys like the new look? I tried to get it as sleek and cool
as I could, to reflect a metamorphisis in the state of the Mag. We
have come up over 3 and a half years to become a force in the RPG
Maker community. Recognized as the Official Magazine of RPG Maker
and as a site on Agetec's RPG Maker 3 mini-site. To come from the
being the the site that would "die within 6 months" to being such
the information resource site that it is today is really something.
Another thing I want to touch on is Development Studios. I'm planning
on giving all developers with the Mag some nice new tools for their
studios. If it's possible, I will be giving out subdomains, FTPs,
and 10MB of space to anyone interested. There is more information
on Page 3 (Articles).
In other news, OD's Weapon Trick video logged over 1000 downloads
in a month and a half. Now, I'd say that some people are just downloading
the video over and over again, but where's everyone else? Sign up for
our forums and join in the asshatery!
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who's made the Mag what it is
today: all of our readers. If you guys didn't come here and keep
visiting us, we wouldn't be nearly as motivated to put stuff like
this together. Enjoy the issue!

Head Previewer, Long-Time Magonian
Likes: Videogames, Art, Love
Dislikes: Idiots
Motto: Personism.
Sadly, and you may find it mean- I think
RPGM3 seems to be like the gimp brother of RMXP for now. People pass it
up just because of limited customizability. I think the two are good in
two entirely different ways.
RPGM3 is awesome for the beginner, who wants to get into the RPG Maker
series. Also, there have been many bypasses already to memory and some
cosmetic things, such as having a little girl wield an axe and sword. I
really think RPGM3 suffers for not creating a character model for each
one of the styles of portraits... some of them look nothing like the
character. I also think the movement needs improved. Why? The
characters look like they have a load in his or her pants while
running. I just believe it could have been done better. Then again, the
interface is extremely simple, and perfect for medieval styled ventures
into the fantasy world. The main reason it suffers is the lack of the
ability to create your own character model, why that feature hasn't
been there since RPGM1 is a mystery to me.
RPGMXP is definately what people are eating up if they want to
customize. You could make a game in any setting on the hardware. BUT,
it isn't as easy to use as RPGM3 for everyone. The learning curve is
higher. Not to mention that this one has a heavier price tag.
Final note- I judge an RPG by its story, not its graphics. Still, it
would have been nice for Enterbrain to take a hint and add more
features to be customized graphically and musically in RPGM3. This is
why people are turning to RPGMXP. What stands out about this team is
that you can learn basic RPG Maker commands in RPGM3, and then transfer
to RPGMXP. I think that's very helpful.
My final note- just because you make a game in RMXP doesn't mean it
won't suck, and if you make a game in RPGM3 it doesn't mean it will

Oblivion Dragon
Head Reviewer, HoS Apprentice
Likes: Videogames, Art, Love
Dislikes: Idiots
Motto: Personism.
RPG Maker 3 and RPG Maker XP....definitely two completely ends of the
spectrum. Both makers have their advantages and disadvantages, and can be
used for a variety of different purposes.
RPGM3, while still more limited than XP by a long shot, is the best maker
I have played thus far. The graphics are a HUGE step up from the previous
titles and the system is far easier to get the hang of. Some have said that
this is a bad thing...an easier system must mean poorly made games right? Not
necessarily. In my eyes, the ease of RPGM3 allows the creator to flesh out a
great story and events with relative ease, instead of frustrating themselves
so much trying to get ONE thing right, that they just quit working on their game.
RPGMXP, while I prefer RPGM3, is still an amazing tool. Although I myself would
hardly ever use it, the RSS allows for IMMENSE customization never before seen in
an RPG Maker title. That comes with a catch though, if you want to make something
good in RSS, you better be experienced in the programming, or be prepared to pull y
our hair out. With RPGXP's release, the U.S. has finally received its first
(and hopefully not last) PC RPGM. A legal PC release has been sought after for
years, and now that it has finally happened, does RPGMXP deliver? You bet it does.
With the users direct control over Images, Characters, Sounds (and with RSS,
practically ANYTHING), RPGMXP is one of the top ranking Makers to date.

Head of Forums
Likes: Cheese
Dislikes: All
Motto: ...
I like pie.

Likes: Drawing
Dislikes: Nosy People
Motto: Whip it. Good.
I think RPG Maker XP will be better for more experienced users instead of
beginners. RPGM 3 is a userfriendly game for the hardcore RPGM1 fans. Basically
I say that RPG Maker XP is most likely like RPG Maker 2.

Graphic Artist
Likes: Stuff?
Dislikes: Repeating things
Motto: Eh.
Never played it. But, just lookin at RPGM 3, makes me think it's
too much into the medieval theme. I like to see a wider variety of themes
like something to do in space! or underwater or

Likes: Hamsterboy
Dislikes: WoW (kidding)
Motto: See below.
Beware of pie fool! also, I think RPGM3 sucks. Plain and simple.