Why did you abandon RM1, you idiot?
Okay, I asked all of you scumbags the question. And now you answer.
Not that I care about your pathetic excuses. But this time, it's
going to be fun. For me, that is.
You see, every time I respond to a question, I will post a Stab-O-Meter
score beside it. If your post is truly stupid (and belive me, they're
all stupid), then I will stab you on a 1-6 scale. The more stupid it is, the more times
I will stab you. Or, conversely, you shall get a medal.
Reader: FinalFantasyFReak789
Because RPGM2 was the next big thing, which led me to put my hopes into it,
(Not to mention $50 for the game, $20 for a keyboard, and $15 for the strategy
guide) so I didn't want it to suck, but it did. Then I just got caught up
with other things. And now, I'm back! I couldn't keep away form this baby <3.

Love Stabs
Ixzion's Response to: FinalFantasyDrone789
So, you decided to have a little fling with RPG Maker 2, and now you're
crawling back to RPG Maker 1? Is that how you roll, playa?
Well, I'm sorry, but I don't forgive as easily as RPG Maker will. So,
I will stab you twice. And you're an idiot.
Reader: OblivionDragon
Because you touch yourself at night.

Angry Stabs
Ixzion's Response to: AssDragon
Ah yes. I saw that one coming like your mom.
Reader: Lord Z
I didn't abandon RPGM1...because I don't own a PS2.

Thumbs Up
Ixzion's Response to: Lord Pee
Excellent! Not because you're too stupid to pick up a PS2, but
that you're inadvertedly fighting Sony! Way to go! :D
Reader: Kratos Aurion
Because it is insanely limited.

Ixzion's Response to: Kraptos Aurion
This from the guy who made what? A demo? No, what was that? You
didn't make anything? You suck so freaking much, it's ridiculous.
You can't handle the sexy beeyatch that is RPG Maker 1. Go die.
Reader: Altoecko
I'd say something witty but it wouldn't help the fact that you're a douche and I don't care.

Instant Kill
Ixzion's Response to: Alteocko
So, you've come back for more, eh? Ladies and gentlemen, this
is the only fool in the entire RPGM community to have been
placed in the Reader's Voice column since its inception.
But that doesn't stop him from being a complete tool. Why do you
still post to this column? You must have some type of fetish for
verbal beatdowns, you lascivious oaf! Good day!
Reader: Staffy
Heh. As if you would actualy use these responses to examine the reasoning
behind our lack of enthusiasim for the software program that brought us together.
Here's why I gave up on RPGM1: YO' MAMA!

Stab Flurry
Ixzion's Response to: Doesnthavemuchofa Staffy
I doubt my mother had any form of conversation with you
over the fine nuances of RPG Maker. And even if my mother
were the reason for such a decision, then I highly debate
the notion of her telling you to quit playing RPG Maker
on her behalf.
Oh, one more thing:
You mention my mom again, and I will hunt you down and
destroy you.
Reader: Fayorei
Gave up on it? Me? Not yet. I just hiatused it. Yay loopholes!
Certainly wasn't for RPGM2, I sold that.

Ixzion's Response to: Fay or Ray
Wow, you're the only person so far who hasn't pissed me off
too much. Have a handshake!
Reader: N.L.Y.
I didn't abandon RM1, I just never came to this site until this very night,
and even though RM3 is redeeming in every aspect that RM2 was noxious, I still
won't give up on RM1: Because I'm a sucker for old school graphics. But if I had
known about this site and wasn't just sitting on my bed playing RM1 and touching
myself-I WOULD'VE SAVED IT!!!!!

Ixzion's Response to: Y.L.N.
For not coming to the site until now, you should be killed. Then
revived, then dragged through the streets whilst stuffed into a
barrel of nails. The end.
Reader: Joewoof
"Insanely limited" is an understatement.

Instant Kill
Ixzion's Response to: Jowimp
You, sir, are a mucous membrane used for reproduction.
A giant one, in fact.
Reader: Draygone
I'm pretty sure I can't think of a better phrase than "insanely limited" when in
reffernce to RPGM3.
I abandoned RPGM1 simply because I couldn't see myself making anything else
with it. I come up with some ideas for it from time to time, but they never
get started. But then, the same can unfortunately be said for RPGM2, 3, and XP.

Thumbs Up
Ixzion's Response to: Dragon
Well, at least you tried. Have a thumbs up. Then proceed to
shove that same thumb straight up your...yeah.
Reader: Gothicmorman
i didn't abandon RM1 therefore i rock the sock off of all you people! ^.^

Ixzion's Response to: PiousSatanist
Good job! You are a super player! :D

Ixzion's Response to: Reader's Voice Readers
I hope you enjoyed this column or else I would have to
stab you. Anyway, the topic for the next Reader's Voice
is Who do you want to stab more than anyone? Check
the forums to respond later.