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 Issue Index
Issue 4.2 Reader's Voice: Readers pick the top 10 RV letters/responses.
Readers pick the top 10 RV letters/responses.

Our readers are asses. For this topic, only 4 people responded. F-o-u-r. This makes it the lowest-replied to RV of all time. I promise that you will all pay for this.

All you had to do was pick some classics out of the bag and you blew it. Oh well, let's get this over with.
Anyway, if you're new to this column, then leave now. If you're too dense to leave, then stay. Anyone else, here's how this goes:

You see, usually every time I respond to a question, I will post a Stab-O-Meter score beside it. If your post is truly stupid (and believe me, they're all stupid), then I will stab you on a 1-6 scale. The more stupid it is, the more times I will stab you. Or, conversely, you shall get a medal.

or ?

P.S. We're not doing it this time, morons.
#10: Issue 1.1: Why do YOU worship Rob?

I worship Rob because he's my babies daddy and he owes me money. Hand over the money for child support, Rob!!! >(

or else!,
Metal Mithril

Ixzy and Rob's Response to Metal Mithril:

Rob: Arrest this person, he's trying to get rich off of me. I do not know him.
Ixzy: Sure you don't. I don't want to get sued for your recreation, Rob. Metal, I'll cut you a check.
Rob: I hate you.

#9: Issue 1.2: Tell us your WTF moments

I have one. I was broke one day, and I wanted to get something to eat. Then lo and behold, I was digging through my pants pocket and I pulled out a $20! I was happier than you can imagine.

chosen swordvii

Ixzy and Rob's Response to Chosen Sword VII:

Rob: You probably either sell drugs, or sell your body at night. But you're asleep, so you don't notice.
Ixzy: How is that $20 helping me? How DARE you come here and gloat about your "$20?!!"
Rob: Maybe you should sell your body in your sleep, too.
Ixzy: I'd never sell my body for money! Well, maybe for a videogame. Or perhaps a scanner. But NEVER for money.
Rob: ...Hey, well, you know, I've got an old scanner... That I never use anymore...



#8: Issue 2.2: RV readers are damned-lazy good-for-nothings.

*Note*: Ixzion was complaining that no one submitted anything for Reader's Voice.

Ixzy and Valk's Response to THE TOPIC:

Lord Ixzion: It appears there's been a mistake. I....I...didn't make a topic.
Lord Valkysas: OH F*** YOU.
Lord Valkysas: you've been sitting here flaming your members for your own negligence?
Lord Ixzion: It...It...It would seem that I owe my readers an apology.
Lord Ixzion: Go ahead and handle that, Valk.
Lord Valkysas: what?
Lord Ixzion: Go ahead. They need an apology.
Lord Valkysas: me apologize? for you?
Lord Ixzion: Don't be an apologetic girlie-man. Do it.
Lord Valkysas: I'm sorry that your webmaster is a f***ing moron.
Lord Ixzion: See? Now how hard was that?

#7: Issue 1.3: Why do Rob and Ixzy struggle for topics each week?!

They only PRETEND to struggle. They wouldn't ask why they struggled unless they struggled to struggle. Which is a double negative. But all the RVs are double negatives, and make no sense. So they struggle to struggle to struggle. That's why it's funny. Because they struggle to struggle to struggle. So that would mean they struggle to struggle to stuggle to struggle. Oh yeah, and struggle rhymes with snuggle!!


Ixzy and Rob's Response to Chosen Sword VII:

Ixzy: What the hell are you talking about?
Rob: *cries*
Ixzy: See what your idiocy did? You made Rob cry! I expect an apology from you asap! IDIOT.

#6: Issue 3.1: Who do you want to stab more than anyone?

i want to stab ur face more then anything else in teh whole entire world of BULL(FECES)!!


Oblivion's Response to Crippy:

I'm simply amazed. You managed to butcher the english language AND get a RV response censored. Do you know how hard it is to get a RV response censored? You, my friend, fail at life.

#5: Issue 1.3: Why do Rob and Ixzy struggle for topics each week?!

Fcuking retards.


Ixzy and Rob's Response to Altoecko:

Rob: Okay.
Ixzy: *sigh* If you're going to call someone a retard, then at least SPELL IT CORRECTLY. Retard.
Rob: You can't really expect much from Alt, though.
Ixzy: It's just too bad that he got dropped on his head as a child. *shakes head*
Rob: No it isn't. I did that on purpose.
Ixzy: Don't you have any compassion in you, Rob?
Rob: No.
Ixzy: I weep for our future. ;_;

#4: Issue 2.1: Send in your ideas for topics for the Reader's Voice column!

What's the secret behind HyperSonicSpeed's greatness?


Ixzy and Rob's Response to HyperSonicSpeed:

Rob: Sulphate, I guess.
Ixzy: Yes. Or Magnesium Phosphate, perhaps?
Rob: No. See, Sulphate is SPEED. For Christ sake. I've been hoping somebody would get that someday, but I geuss I'll have to say it myself. It was a wordplay. I thought it was pretty clever.
Ixzy: Don't you go waving your high school education in my face!
Rob: Was that another wordplay?
Ixzy: What's wordplay? A play on words?
Rob: Well, yeah.
Ixzy: I don't understand.
Rob: That wouldn't have been one though. It would have been a...metaphor? Well, see, you said highschool education. Meaning education of drugs. It would have been pretty funny had you done it intentionally.
Ixzy: Oh! Lol.
Rob: But now it kind of sucks.
Ixzy: Let's edit it up to sound good.
Rob: No, I like it better this way. It makes you look stupid.
Ixzy: Aww. I hate this game!
Rob: Another victory for me.
Ixzy: A winner is you!
Rob: Yeah, that.

#3: Issue 2.1: Send in your ideas for topics for the Reader's Voice column!

Why do you worship Ixzion? (A new take on the why do you worship Rob RV) :p

-Oblivion Dragon

Ixzy and Rob's Response to OblivionDragon:

Ixzy: Ah, excellent topic, if I do say so myself!
Rob: We will not use this one, because it does not mention me at all.
Ixzy: I knew it. You just won't let me have any happiness to myself, Rob. You're out to destroy me!
Rob: Yes.
Ixzy: You had YOURS! Why can't I have mine? You give me one good reason!
Rob: No.
Ixzy: That's not a reason! It's only an imperative sentence.
Rob: Correct.

#2: Issue 1.2: Tell us your WTF moments

Well, I just found out one of my best friends liked me more than a friend. She's loved me for quite awhile. And she sent me her secret diary with her feelings about me...

I never knew anyone could care for me like that. Ever.

And so, I realized that deep down, I liked her too.

And so, now we're not going out, but it's mutual love.


Ixzy and Rob's Response to goten:

Ixzy: How absolutely intelligent, Rob. Take many brain cells to come up with that response?

Ixzy: Well, I believe you have snapped, Rob. No longer are you cool, smart and cynical; you're just retarded.
Rob: Okay.
Ixzy: I rest my case.

#1: Issue 4.1: Ixzion rates your art


Ixzion's Response to Regal:

A good art critic like myself can never give a low grade to a cherished childhood mascot screaming for boobies.

Ixzion's Response to: Reader's Voice Readers

So there you have it. The greatest list ever made by 4 people. Don't complain if you didn't vote. Anyway, the topic for the next Reader's Voice is What do you think about ShadowFox1001/Kratos Aurion/HypersonicSpeed? No bars held!. Check the RPGMM Issue Contributions forum to respond later.

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