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 Issue Index
Issue 4.2 Editorial: True You
What is the True You?

Often, we write behind our various psudonyms and simply go along with the flow. We're just writers, and everyone's cool with that. But WHO are they, really?

Demystification to the right.

Owner and Editor-in-Chief
Likes: Midna, Coding, Mario Galaxy
Dislikes: Hard work, but gets by anyway.
Motto: Going My Own Way

I am a man, first and foremost. I am the kind of man who doesn't apologize for what he likes and doesn't take crap from anyone. However, I am not a hot-head. I generally think things through before acting on random thoughts in my head.

My life, as well as a lot of my friends, is/are on the net. This is a part of my very real life. I am a programmer, so I am stuck on the computer, mainly. I am not ashamed of spending most of my free time on the internet.

I'm currently going for my Bachelor's after completing my Associate's in Web Programming last year. It's hard work, but I will be done in a year. I will then take time to find a job that should reward me handsomely for my prowess, probably with backend (since I believe it's much stronger than my frontend work).

Finally, I am a lifelong fan of videogames, especially their music. When I'm working on the site, you can bet I'll have some Mario, Megaman, Sonic, Metroid, etc., music blaring in my earphones. Also, I'm a diehard Nintendo fan. Go fig.

Kratos Aurion
Super Moderator
Likes: Tales of Symphonia
Dislikes: Bossy People
Motto: I am a pimp.

Off the internet, I'm a pimp. I walk in my Ermenegildo Zegna suit, my Armani tie, and Gucci shoes whilst walking with my pimp cane. I shack with 50 fems and we bounce the night away. Think of Candy Shop and Just A Lil' Bit and you get the idea.

In all seriousness, I am a man. Yes, a man. I like women. I like to undress women with my eyes. I want a woman to have my babies. Then we will raise those babies like property and put a price tag on them. Ok, so I'm kidding again. But yes, I love women. I have preferences when it comes to women, and my preferences span across the voids of looks and personality. So, yeah, I'm not shallow. I have standards; I'm not going to take some average chick and be like, "Oh, it's all fine."

Aside from women, I like an assortment of things. Of course, I like video games, especially Guitar Hero and Tales of the Abyss/Symphonia. I also like guitars, though I don't have the patience to sit on my ass and actually play. I will play some day though and I will rock and shred like no other. I like to judge cars. If I think your car is fugly, I will tell you and insult it... like lime green Excursions. Those are for sick, twisted mothers who want to embarrass their children. I also like to play sports, namely football and basketball, but I can only tolerate watching football on the tele. I like clucking music. I have to get my fix every day. I like thrash metal, alternative, some punk, and rap. There's others that I like, but I don't want to list them, otherwise you people will be claiming that you liked them first. Back off!

I really don't like spending all day on the internet, but right now, there's not much for me to do and no friends even care to hang out with me. So, I isolate myself and stay on the internet all day. Talk about a summer life. But that will all change soon. Fingers up to the internet!

Likes: Radioshack
Dislikes: His real job
Motto: I want to work for the shack

I work at a chemical plant as the network administrator and all around computer tech. When I'm not at work I'll usually be at one of two places: Home infront of my computer, or at Radioshack. I've known every single one of the employees at the shack for a good while... some even quite a number of years. The assistant manager is my room mate to boot... So I'll spend a good time kicking it in the back room with them.

At home, I'll usually be infront of my computer. I dabble in editing images, music, and videos as well as coding in VB, SQL, and such. I do game quite a bit... and 90% of it is all RPG based. Most of my games I play are usually in the SNES era.

Back a few years, I use to skateboard alot. We have a small skate park where I live in which I spent most my time. I was in 2 competisions, the first of, I managed 4th... the other was a best trick contest which I placed 3rd. I use to hang out with a decent size group of skaters, though I never really delved to bad into the whole skater punk stereotype. But skating really was everything back in the day. The best tricks I had consisted of Fingerflip-airwalk, Footplant-handflip, and a Onefoot-manual (of which I was able to hold for a good 50 feet. The best combo I ever landed was an Indy air into a manual that dropped off to a rail that was 50/50'ed. Me and the guys would often modify the ramps by jamming metal rods down coping to other ramps... or drag flyboxes up vert ramps to make a vertical wall to try and ride. I could go on forever...

Sadly though, as I started my career as a network admin, I've rahter slacked off in my skating. All I have to show for it too is some old skateboard parts, a board that is falling apart, and two screws in my right elbow from when I broke it. I will run into some of my skating friends ever now and then in passing by. We always exchange those hugs in which you slap eachother back (I guess to make it more manly than just a normal hug or something), and we'll usually talk about meeting up at the part sometime... it usually doesn't happen, but whatever. Lmao.

Now, I spend alot of time with my friends at the house. And though I don't skate anymore really, I'll still be a skater at heart. Kind of a strange mix, I dare say: Computer nerd and Skater punk...

Anyway, that's pretty much me now. I read alot more now that I ever did. Mostly Sci-fi like Dragonlance, LOTR, and such. That with computer and RPG making and general 'hanging out with the frends' there is not reall much more to me.

Head Reviewer
Likes: Tanukis.
Dislikes: Who knows?
Motto: Tanuki Power!

What can I say besides how the internet pretty much is my life? I'm currently jobless (hope to change that soon). I don't have TV, so I resort to watching shows like Wheel of Fortune and various million dollar shows with my grandparents at supper time, and cartoons when I'm lunching. And I play video games from time to time, but my attention span is too short to play all the way through a game. I occasionally get lucky and finish one, though.

That's really about it. The rest of my time is spent on the internet, but that's not what this editorial is about. I don't have a social life outside the net, so I really only exist at places like the Mag. And FurAffinity. :p

Head Previewer
Likes: Martial Arts
Dislikes: Greasy people
Motto: F*** 'em!

Outside of this place I'm a loner plain and simple. I work at a movie theatre that has the best screens in the whole city. I'm currently looking for a new job and getting into school.

I'm also a writer and like to conceptualize new ideas for almost everything I do in life. Additionally, I'm a fan of Akira Toriyama's artwork.

I love the martial arts as well. My favorite martial arts movies are Rumble in the Bronx, Fist of Legend, Enter the Dragon and Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior.

Wiki Admin
Likes: Chocobos
Dislikes: Coherent screenames
Motto: WARK!

Outside of the internet, there is little else I have. Sure, I have TV, but it's not like I watch it. Sure, I have games, but they wouldn't last me long enough to keep me away from the internet. Um, besides that, I have nothing else to do, besides school and stuff relating to the family.

I'd like to say that I'm a woman and an undercover cop, just to humor Feros' description of 'teh internetz', but really, I guess you could say I'm your average guy that likes to spend alot of time on the internet because he has nothing better to do.

Um, the subject of social life. I do have a few friends outside of the internet, not that I talk to them much during the summer or breaks, but I've known them for a long time, so I consider them my close friends. I'm pretty much really into family stuffz, because my family is awesome. Um, ok thats about all I have to say on my life outside the internet... Not much.

Vice HOS
Likes: Wolves
Dislikes: Dragons
Motto: Never make up your mind.

Not much to say here. Personality-wise, I pretty much double who I am in real life on the mag. Other than that, I am Justin Stephens, computer science major, and currently a computer salesman at Best Buy. Anything else you want to know, just ask me!

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