Off-the-Wall does...
a blast from the past!
Every now and then it helps to take a look back, to go
back to your roots. We close this issue doing just that.
Once again, we thank each and every one of you for reading,
and don't forget to let us know how we did in the forums. :D
-RPGMM Staff
Featured Off-the-Wall Site
Ixzion's Secret Site!
Hmm. What is this odd, yellow-colored site you've stumbled upon on the
mag server? Unknown to many, is the fact that the Mag is not Ixzion's
only website. Indeed, there was a time, long ago, when Ix wasn't a skilled
coding-wise as he is now. Take a step back in time to view one of Ixzion's
first projects on the internets.
Featured RPG Maker/RPG-Related Site
The mag's featured site this issue is: THE MAG!
*ahem* The old mag, that is. We have linked to webarchives of the
mag's first location, (note, do not visit the site directly
unless you want to get hit with possible spyware/adware). The archives also link to
the forums, so have fun laughing at how n00bish some of us old-timers were. *RPG2002*
Magonian of the Issue
Member since: 2005 |
Current Post Count: 4636 |
Current Rank/Title: Graphic Artist |
Favorite Quote: "World of Warcraft" |
It's true, Chrssy isn't around as much as we would like her to be, (though she has
been getting better about it lately. ;) ), but a lot of the work she does for us
goes unrecognized. Chrssy is the RPG Maker Magazine's offical Graphic artist, and
is responsible for a great deal of the Mag's photoshoppy goodness.
Just take a second to think about it. Without Chrssy, the mag would look
vastly different. So if you like the way we look, LET HER KNOW!
Thanks for your hard work, Chrssy!
Magonian Birthdays This Issue
Vespuleth - 1st
Sarah's Knight - 9th
Kajakfaucon - 9th
Draygone - 10th
1ce - June 19th
TheAsianInvasion - 30th
Guarionex - 30th
Sumisem - 8th
Really Awesome - 9th
bigfoot721 - 21st
Funk - 21st
Fayorei - 24th
Xarlas - 7th
OblivionWolf - 9th
Bonanza Wire - 12th
Ikaporamee - 19th
doyleman - 19th
Dreamknight2 - 26th