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 Issue Index
Issue 4.2 Cover Story: The RPG Maker Magazine Appreciation Retrospective!
RPG Maker Magazine Appreciation Retrospective

It's not often that RPGMM takes the time out to look back at itself in lieu of trying to help developers, but now's a good a time as any, right?

Interesting RPGMM Facts (no, not the Magonian)

  • RPGMM has pushed over 1,000,000 files out over the 5 years it's been on the net.

  • RPGMM has had a total of 38 people on staff over the years.

  • RPGMM got its first 1 million hits month in September 2005 when RPG Maker 3 debuted.

  • The most popular day of the week for people to visit the Mag is Tuesday, followed by Monday, Saturday, Wednesday, Sunday, Friday, and then Thursday.

  • Every issue of RPGMM has received at least 1000 views. Thanks!

  • The RPG Maker 3 Weapon Trick video recorded by Feros/Oblivion has notched 3,500 downloads since September 2005.

  • No game in RPGMM history has scored a perfect 10, though a few hold near it with a 9.75. Exactly 5 (at print) hold this honor.

  • The most popular game of all time on RPGMM is doyleman's "The Farm Life", with 780 downloads. Following is Oblivion's "Second-to-Last Fantasy" with 560 downloads.

    Something random!
    In Pictures (click to enlarge)

    Ixzion's original avatar

    Oblivion's original avatar

    Amy Rose + Spam Hammer
    Amy Rose weilding the Spam Hammer!

    The Magscots on a cover sketch
    A sketch of the Magscots in action, done by Fayorei. Clockwise from top: Headstrong Fighter, Cute L'il White Mage, Mischievous Thief, and Sexy Black Mage.

  • This will mark the first time that RPG Maker Magazine, the site itself, will be featured as an RPGMM cover story. As if it needed to be said, RPGMM rarely self-references itself in its own media (except for something like Off-the-Wall). It wasn't even a thought when it came time to come up with an idea for this issue. In fact, it took a suggestion by a reader in order to convince us to make it about us.

    So, with a solid theme in mind, it was time for us to get to work. But what would we write about? Everything RPGMM, that's what! Throughout this article, you will travel back in time with us, see prototypes, read commentary from the staff that brought you over 5 years of articles, and hear from the Magonians which form the lifeblood of the RPGMM community.

    You're only a step away. Keep reading!

    Heading back in time
    What many of you know as RPG Maker Magazine didn't start out this way. In actuality, RPGMM started out very small:

    Quoted from RPGMMWiki:
    RPG Maker Magazine started off as a small RPG Maker site hosted on ezBoard that focused primarily on the reviews of games. It was also the testing ground for Ixzion's (then known as RPG22) early coding skills (something that has carried on to this day).

    The RPG Maker Magazine started off with a staff of 5 people on an ezBoard. Within a week, all of the staff that had signed up left the site, leaving Ixzion alone. However, that did not stop Ixzion from continuing to create new content for his site. Review on top of review was created, and even a complete strategy guide for Fu-Fu the Acid Trip Bunny was created for Dave Carter (Ixzion was even thanked by Carter, which was a high-point in his early efforts, as Carter was currently very hot, having just created the first platformer in RPGM history).

    Eventually, the need for a website was realized, so Ixzion decided to go with Freeservers.com to create the first RPG Maker Magazine website, hxxp://www.rpgmmag.8m.com (the link has been voluntarily disabled, since the site was taken by a hacker and has pornographic material on it), which is RPG Maker Magazine Version 1.

    The Mag at the time was a very primative RPG Maker site, and was treated accordingly. However, that didn't take the fire away from Ixzion, who continued to improve as much as he could. Over time, he steadily kept building more versions, eventually getting to v2, v3, and the most current v4.

    Along the way, many came for the ride and many left. However, it all started with Altoecko, who holds distinction as the very first person to hold the rank of Head Reviewer (though it wasn't called that at the time) and was the first permanent Magonian (besides Ixzion, of course). Yes, he still hangs around the Mag, poor schmuck.

    To anyone who's worked for the Mag, read the Mag, praised the Mag, hell, even damned the Mag, thank you! Keep moving for sketches and stuff of the older version of the Mag!

    Stories from the People
    The people of the Mag, called Magonians, have experienced a whole lot. Watch now as some of them share some of their favorite Mag stories and happenin's.

    Quoted from Draygone:
    I discovered two glitches here. I won't tell you how I accomplished them, but I will say what happened. The first was in our chat. I wound up typing in something that skrewed up the emotes, making them appear a line or two under where they were supposed to be. It was really funny, because we had a couple Mods in there using their Mod icon by their message names, and these icons appeared a post late, resulting in people like DuelPro holding the Mod icon if they were quick enough to make the next post. It stopped being funny when one of the higher-ups did it, and it glitched Facts/Myoky and I from Mod status to Admin status. Permanently, at that. Seriously, Feros/Oblivion Wolf tried to put us back to Mod status, but we reverted.

    I also figured out a way to create a sticky topic in the forums without being one of the moderators. But I won't get into that.

    It was only natural of me to find these glitches. I am one of the bigger rulebreakers of RPG Maker 1. :)

    (PS: Yes, I purposely spell it "skrew". One of my random quirks. Don't fix it.)

    Quoted from ShadowFox1001:
    Well, I've been with these band of idiots for quite some time. I took part in the resurrection of the site when it was destroyed (I forget why). I stumbled upon this waste basket of a site and was like, "How am I supposed to get RPG Maker help here?" So, thinking that, I didn't really decide to join until I talked to the chocolate man who ran this crap shoot. I decided I would join after hearing about this apparent crash and burn. I started creating a freakin' boat load polls and spam posts to try and attract attention and get the board back in order. Of course, it wasn't about my posts or effort, it was about my looks and my penis. Of course, being the only straight guy on the boards at the time, it didn't really attract the fems. Too much gay moshing here, I suppose.

    Anyway, after a while and gaining some influence and power inside the RPG Maker community (excluding the Pav, because they hate me), I became a mod, then not long after, an admin, just because I'm a bad ass. Well, we than had some sort of war going on between some people (two different sites). Quite frankly, I think it was because they were jealous of the raw power, finesse and good looks the men of the Mag. There was much tension and bloodlust between the two sites, and I acted irrationally and attacked the big admin guy by editing his post. Oops. That led to the people hating me and threats and blah blah blah. But enough of a crappy war story.

    I've never played a huge, integral role on this site, nor do I plan to, except pose as entertainment or the rules man. I'm the hard ass, and I make people do what I say, even Negrozion and Furros (ObsidianMulch). For a while, i was going through difficult times with personal issues and some people here were setting me off, so it just amplified my anger. So I decided to rule with an iron fist. I crushed the opposition with my giant peen and doused the flames of rebellion with my water works. Of course, this made some angry because I was "over stepping my bounds." No one tells me what to do! So, I left. Then the site fell into a decline and a place full of pansies. Everyone was NICE and AGREEING with each other! Who does that?! So, I came back onto the scene, but did not get a grand welcome, but oh well, I'd show these miscreants.

    Yeah, that's my story during my life here at the Mag. It's sad, but true. I have plans for this site, but I'm not telling.

    Quoted from Lantis:
    Believe it or not, the Mag was my first forum I delved in really. So outside of random IRC chatrooms, I never really got to know anyone online that I didn't know in person... Not that I didn't like the idea, per se but I just didn't think that you could really build much of a relationship based on such seemingly flagrant means of knowing someone.

    But throughout the first year of my stay at the Mag, I learned differently. I've gotten to know the people here at the mag and I have grown close enough to be able to call them a 'friend'. It still seems a bit strange that you can know someone so well without knowing them beyond my monitors. I've since added a good number to IM, and even had the privilege to web cam with a few.

    Originally, I came to the mag because I was new to RM1 and wanted to get the first game I made out on the net... which I'm sure is how most people got here. But by then, I already started re-making it with SK. But I got alot more out of the mag than that. I becamed involved enough to ask for a spot on staff. And since I was able to do a bit for the mag such as buying ad space, write articles and reviews, doing a little photoshop work from time to time, and help out the members with RM1 if ever the occasion arised.

    Basically, the mag has become rather important to me... not as a website, but as a community. Not to say it's always been this picture perfect place. There are times when the mag has no activity for while, or members leave, or a flood of noobs comes and just puts a good few in a bad mood... but it's always came around. And I'm glad to say that I've been there through the good times and the bad. I've since been on other forums, but none of them have given me such a homely feeling like the mag. So I end this little sappy scrap of text with a big thanks to everyone or something. ^_^

    More stories from our group of Magonians are in this topic:
    Stories of RPGMM

    You people never get to see the plans and sketches that the bigshots make for the site designs. A lot of you may not have even seen those sites! So here's a glimpse into the past and behind the scenes!

    A rather poor drawing of how Ixzion wanted a RPG Maker 2 graphic done.

    A banner from v2. Moving away from ultra-basic graphics and stuff.

    Shot of RPGMMv2. Looked pretty good, if you ask...uh...yeah.

    The first shot of RPGMMv3. It was a working design at the time, and Ixzion was proud of it.

    Behind-the-scenes of the very first RPGMM issue! Very crude humor.

    The design document for RPGMMv4! Check out how much it looks like the design today. You can feel the influence.

    Sorry, but we don't really have a good way to end this, so ROCK ON RPGMM!
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