Dragon's Edge was extremely short. Not to say it wasn't good. The fact is, it wasn't all that bad.
There was a good use of the terrain as most places were nicely placed and proportional. The edging
ended rather abruptly at places, but not bad enough to draw too much attention. Also, the coding was
clean. Every event, switch, and page was mannaged greatly. There waw but one issue the entire time
which can be easily overlooked.
The storyline was interesting as you start off, you are a young child and go off to see a cave with
a friend. Only to wake up in bed... several years older. From here you start doing some grunt work
for the King. Past this I can't go much farther because the battle was a little uneven. Even with
healing items found in the castle surviving more than two fights was almost impossible. And you
never made enough in a fight to stay at the inn to heal up.
But as stated, this botched game was only a stepping stone to something far greater. I will be
looking forward to playing his next game: Endless Saga whenever it will be released.