Game of the Issue
The Farm Life
RPG Maker 2
November 2005
Doyleman's Site
Game Download

Harvest Moon meets RPG Maker. And not only that, it fits
it very well. The Farm Life is one of those games that
every RPG Maker user should be able to call up by name,
with such greats as Remote Control or a particular
bunny. It is an experience that should not be missed. Don't
believe me? Check out the full review in this very issue
for the story. But for now, here's a taste:
"You start out as a young man who's down on his luck.
When your uncle calls you, you spill your guts out and he
lets you stay at his countryside farm while he's away. From
there, you get to meet a cast of wonderfully unique
characters, each with a discernable personality. Not only
that, but you get to work your uncle's farm to earn money
for yourself by taking care of chickens, cows and, of
course, your crops. Or you can search far and wide for
herbs and other things to get by."
This constitutes a fraction of what you can do inside the game.
Between the design, characters, and gameplay, you have a
sweet RPGM treat that almost anyone can enjoy.
Doyleman, I tip my hat to you.
(Click to enlarge)
