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 Issue Index
Issue 4.1 Editorial: Looking back at 2006/Looking forward to 2007.
So, where do you see the Mag going in 2007? Reflect on 2006 and make New Year's Resolutions, personal or Mag-related.

It's the end of the year everywhere. Thus, it's only logical to reflect on the year behind you and look forward to the next one! Our RPGMM staff was asked for their take on the events of the year.

Their responses are to the right.

Owner and Editor-in-Chief
Likes: Zelda: Twilight Princess and MIDNA
Dislikes: Hard work, but gets by anyway.
Motto: Going My Own Way

If I could have told myself that 2006 would be the biggest year the Mag would ever have, I would have called myself a liar. I didn't know what I'd be doing next at the start of the year, but look at what's been done: RPGMMWiki, Issue 3.3 (the printed issue), RPGMM Awards, and with this issue, the first time that 4 issues of RPG Maker Magazine has released in a single year. I have myself to thank, certainly, but my staff deserves a lot of credit for the work they've done here. I enjoy being thanked, because it shows that someone cares about my hard work, but please don't forget to thank our previewers and reviewers, too.

Looking at the new year creeping up on us all, I am again at a loss of what will be happening during this next year. But I bet Oblivion will be doing a lot of cool things on his own since he was promoted to Vice Head of Site. Either way, I hope everyone is keeping their eyes on RPGMM, since I CAN tell you one thing that's happening this upcoming year: RPG Maker Magazine turns 5 years old. Be there for the celebration on January 31, 2007.

Head of Forums
Likes: The Mag
Dislikes: Something, surely?
Motto: Rock on!

Hmm, I see the mag going to infinity and beyond. Though more literally I see it staying on a lunarpages server and simply emitting greatness at all who pass by, but close enough.

I don't specifically remember a lot of '06 because I have a horrible memory and everything gets sort of packed together and mixed up. Kind of like the whole Alzheimer's I left my keys in the sugar bowl thing but I use the excuse that I'm blonde because I'm too young to have Alzheimer's. But the year did leave strong impression of progress, and the mag has certainly grown a lot since I first arrived.

Somehow over the course of this year I moved from the spam hammer to mount mag and ended up in this chair and I really don't know how that happened. But I would like to thank everyone again for putting me here. As a Mag New Years Resolution (MNYRv1.0) I'm going to try and live up to the past members in this position, though I know that I could never be as Awesome as Rob. (and it may or may not be a crime to try).

Kratos Aurion
Head Reviewer
Likes: Tales of Symphonia
Dislikes: Bossy People
Motto: Where da girlies at? Oh, okay.

Where do I see the Mag in '07? Good question. With my emaculate presence not around very much, it'll be hard for the Mag to stroll along. However, I think it will still progress even without my greatness. Where exactly will it go? That can't be said, but I think we will get 100,000 more hits by the end of the 2007 fiscal year. Of course, I don't visit the main page often, so how would I know?

To reflect on the '06 season of the RPG Maker Magazine, it wasn't the most pleasurable experience. I was touched inappropriately by the Heads of Site. Excessive abuse of power, I think. If anybody' going to be doing the touching, it'll be me. Capice? Yeah, I spelled that right. I took French! It was fairly good, though I was expecting a paycheck for the arduous workload placed on my shoulders. Plus I ate Kitty Kicker, but she somehow came back. Hmm...

My New Year's Resolution is to become more manly, like, play by a pool while drowning cute animals or spitting 20 feet into a fire. Plus, it will be to not drink eggnog for the rest of my life.

Head Previewer
Likes: Everything at once.
Dislikes: Everything at once.
Motto: Time to make one!

I haven't been around here as much, but I do see great things happening to the mag in 2007.

That being said, I'll do my best to help improve this place with the best of my ability.

Likes: Draygones
Dislikes: Something, surely?
Motto: Tanuki Power!

Well, hopefully the next RPGM will be announced in the coming year. That'll bring in a few new people for sure, especially if it gets released in the same year. Other than that, we'll probably see one or two new printed issues, which will be even more awesome than the first.

My New Year's Resolution for this year? Make it at least halfway through creation of Slayers' Reign. Then again, I think I made a similar promise with Jester's Hunt 3D last year. And we all know how that ended up.

Likes: Chrono Trigger
Dislikes: Non-Sony
Motto: CT Forever!

Seeing as I joined the community in January of '06, this year is all I really know of the Mag. So I can't really compare it to anything. But I can say that the year had it's ups and downs. There were times of very little interaction in the forums, and some people leave. But even more people have come. Over the year I have made friends that I would like to hold on to and would like to meet before I draw my last breath on this earth. Though I came to the site just for RPG Maker... I've gotten alot more.

Where is it going? No one can say. I guess the only general answer I can give is, "up". There have been many changes and advances to the Mag. Some of which I could take part in, which I considered a honor. I expect to see alot of the next year, and I look forward to it with anticipation.

My new years resoulution would have to be to rely on myself, and not let myself fall into the believe that I need anyone else besides myself... though friends and family are a wonderful acception.
