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Let's Play Ys: The Oath in Felghana
Part 24 of 25
Stream 3 Part 9

Good thing that the time we took to grind really made no difference in the villain's plans as it doesn't matter when we actually arrive- even though poor Elena was hanging around the whole time.

In any case, we get our revenge against Bishop Garland and take the fight directly to Galbalan itself, but not without a little help from Chester. (How did he get there, anyway?)

The fight against Galbalan is one of the most fun final boss fights in the series and well worth saving the Spirit Necklace for since it's a three-phase fight despite it having only one life bar.

Poor Adol, though. He's not nearly as strong as he is in Ark of Napishtim where he can take down Galbalans left and right with regular weapons, so Chester has to step in once more to make sure this Galbalan is taken down for good, even at a great cost.

Oh, and can you believe that the entire events of this whole game took place in only the course of a day or so?

Thumbnail art of channel mascot Dyana as Elena by
Name Published
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