RPG Maker 2 News (viewing 1-20 of 25 items)

With the recent release of RPG Maker 2, many wannabe game makers are taking on the task of creating their ultimate masterpieces. I had the opportunity to chat with one of these game makers and pick his brain a bit about what he is attempting with the new system. His name is Josh Schwartzkopf but many people know him as merely "Velcro". And over a lengthy conversation on AOL Instant Messenger, this interviewer had the chance to find out what is in the works for Velcro.


A user on youtube named Leonomai just posted a video showcasing custom music in RPG Maker 2. Draygone posted on the Mag with this information:
The video itself is after the jump. The music sounds pretty damn good and feels like it's always been a part of the game. RPG Maker 2 is truly a beast.
Draygone wrote:
This is pretty significant, considering RPGM2 doesn't have a music editor or importer. All it has is a group of instrumental sound effects.
The video itself is after the jump. The music sounds pretty damn good and feels like it's always been a part of the game. RPG Maker 2 is truly a beast.


As you read this, me and SK are playing through Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Got it on a big screen and are just chillin'. Well, SK is finding out for the first time how retarded the laws function of this game is. In fact, some really really unfortunate things have been happening to him in this game due to the laws.


Community Relations agent The Gnasher interviewed one of the very few members of the RPG Maker Magazine site who hold the title of Magonian Legend, Lantis. Lantis is known in the community for his work (together with SarahsKnight) in the game "Secret of Everyone: Arc Arath", for RPGM1, and for his unusual views on relationships. The following is the full interview, unmodified (except for very minor grammatical corrections), which took place between June 28 and July 6th 2007 through Private Messages in the forum.


When RPG Maker 2 first was released, many people experimented with the engine, breaking the limitations. I can remember building my first game with it and it was a good experience. But I'm not here to talk about me, I'm here to talk about Dave Carter, creator of the famous killer app for RPG Maker 2, SD Paradise.


Not too long ago, the RPG Maker Pavilion had a special feature featuring the RPG Maker we should've had, RPG Tsukuru 4. For those not in the know, it was the RPGM between our RPG Maker 1 and 2. We got Japan's RPG Tsukuru 3 for our RPGM1 instead due to RPGT4's team dispersing, which would've left Agetec, our guys who have been bringing us the console RPG Makers, without any help in localization.


Well, the 2006 RPG Maker Magazine Awards have finally come to an end. It was a long time in the making, but thanks to the entire RPG Maker community helping in the nominations and voting, we were able able to finish this massive event!
The Awards, nominated and voted on by the actual community, are given to the games, produced within the last year, and their creators in recognition of their mutual excellence in the field of RPG Maker.
The Awards, nominated and voted on by the actual community, are given to the games, produced within the last year, and their creators in recognition of their mutual excellence in the field of RPG Maker.