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LP#10 "The Spiteful Dead"
Part 10 of 23
Season 1 - LPisode #52

Our heroes finally manage to reach the little girl locked in the storage building. However, it may be that the rescuers have become the ones in need of rescuing.

This is the epitome of the entire Let's Play. If you were only willing to watch one LPisode, this is the one. It features a little of everything that makes this game good. Both the humorous and serious natures of the plot, a mini-game and puzzle, a couple boss battles, and we throw in a couple regular encounters for good measure.

Also featured: How to make poison a useful status effect.

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{Game Download - Requires RPGM1}

{Looking Back}

Name Published
Ep23: The End Days, part II [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:52 pm
Ep22: The End Days [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:51 pm
Ep21: Unrest [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:50 pm
Ep20: Rough Road to Freedom [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:49 pm
Ep19: Leave No Man Behind [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:47 pm
Ep18: The Spiteful Living, part II [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:46 pm
Ep17: The Spiteful Living, part I [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:45 pm
Ep16: Enlightenment [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:44 pm
Ep15: Death in Glorious Light [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:42 pm
Ep14: The Resident Evil [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:40 pm
Ep13: Running Blind [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:39 pm
Ep12: A Bittersweet Reunion [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:38 pm
Ep11: Picking Up the Pieces [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/5/13 02:36 pm
» Ep10: Shattered Lives, part III [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/4/22 01:41 pm
Ep9: Shattered Lives, part II [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/4/9 09:36 am
Ep8: Shattered Lives [Let's Play RPG Maker 1: "The Spiteful Dead"]2015/4/2 09:59 am
Ep7: Need Not Tread Lightly (The Spiteful Dead)2015/3/26 01:08 pm
Ep6 - Carmageddon (The Spiteful Dead)2015/3/10 07:32 pm
Ep5: Quoth the Zombies... Ever Moan (The Spiteful Dead)2015/3/8 07:27 pm
Ep4: The Recluse (The Spiteful Dead)2015/3/5 07:46 pm
Ep3: Unholy Breath of Life (The Spiteful Dead)2015/3/3 08:38 pm
Ep2: Knight to Pawn, part II (The Spiteful Dead)2015/3/1 07:19 pm
Ep1: Knight to Pawn (Let's Play With Zombies!)2015/2/26 09:13 pm
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