Reader's Voice 2.1: Send in your ideas for topics for the Reader's Voice column!
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What's AreEm 2?
They Talk...
What do you think is the ideal RM2 game?
We Respond:
Ixzy: Thanks, Dreamknight. That's a classical and probably quite good topic for a column like this. But you don't read our columns, do you? THIS IS READER'S VOICE. Have we ever done something like that? No. Sit over in that corner before you hurt yourself.
Rob: What got into you? I bet your parents beat you as a child.
Ixzy: For real, man. I mean, he's taking us for one of those columns that handles serious stuff.
Rob: Yeah, that.
Ixzy: is thataway.

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Because we're perfect.

Where do puppies come from, too?
They Talk...
Where do babies come from?
We Respond:
Rob: Your wit has blown me out of my chair and into the wall behind me. I mean, that was funny.
Ixzy: I agree, Rob. I was literally rolling with laughter. Albeit on a carpet of tacks.
Rob: It's a shame we can't use it.
Ixzy: Another reject? That's ok. We aren't halfway done yet. *pats Rob on the back*
Rob: Oh, don't get me wrong, I couldn't care less. I just said we couldn't use it because it was alto that suggested it.
Ixzy: Aha! Well then...let's carry on.

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Because we're perfect.

The Best Asskisser in the Business
They Talk...
Why do you worship Ixzion? (A new take on the why do you worship Rob RV) :p
-Oblivion Dragon
We Respond:
Ixzy: Ah, excellent topic, if I do say so myself!
Rob: We will not use this one, because it does not mention me at all.
Ixzy: I knew it. You just won't let me have any happiness to myself, Rob. You're out to destroy me!
Rob: Yes.
Ixzy: You had YOURS! Why can't I have mine? You give me one good reason!
Rob: No.
Ixzy: That's not a reason! It's only an imperative sentence.
Rob: Correct.

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Trip over a banana.
-Oblivion Dragon

Let's be serious?
They Talk...
Let's be serious for a sec ^^;;
What's your favorite VFX tool in the VFX Editor?
What's your favorite Character Model?
-RPG Programmer
We Respond:
Rob: I don't know what any of that means.
Ixzy: My favorite tool is my magic stick. And my favorite model is that beserker chick. Of course, I'm making this up. I don't know.
Rob: Funny you should say that, because your mom's favorite tool is my magic stick.
Ixzy: Oh...really...? Why do you think that is, sir? *brandishes machete*
Rob: I don't know, nothing. Next.
Ixzy: Damn right. Better not be what I thought it was...moving on...screw you, RPG Programmer. :p

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Vanilla Ice rules.
-RPG Programmer

Rob (&?) Roy
They Talk...
Has Rob ever had any girlfriends? *cough* orisheatransvestite *cough*
-RPG Bob
We Respond:
Rob: Does ur mom count? omg lol

Anyway, no, I've never been mature enough, or my "partner" has never been mature enough for any real relationship.

In other words, I'm, like, a playa'. Yeah.
Ixzy: I do not recall any girlfriends in his life. I hear tell that he's a man's man.
Rob: (insert your mom/a man joke here)
Ixzy: You're getting old, Rob. You don't even put time enough in to make a joke? Readers! Do you want this man as a part of this column? (Note: Please don't write in. We still hate you, you stupid, stupid people.)
Rob: No, I no longer put time in to make a joke. I let my awesomeness fill that gap.
Ixzy: ...



Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. I'll be your private dancer.
-RPG Bob

Of Chickens and Touching Oneself
They Talk...
Why does everything taste like chicken?
We Respond:
Ixzy: Because you touch yourself at night.
Rob: Oh, yeah, like nobodies used that joke before. And you tell me I put no effort into it.
Ixzy: At least I made a joke! If you're so damn awesome, then say something to this fool.
Rob: (insert patronizing and sarcastic humor here)
Ixzy: The magic is gone, Rob. You're no longer the wonder kid of the RV scene! Now I can steal the crown!
Rob: Have fun with it, then.
Ixzy: Oh, I'll have fun with it... EVIL FUN!!!




Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Singing in the Rain.
-Rhen 2002

Moogling the Girlies
They Talk...
What is the meaning of "Kupo"?
We Respond:
Ixzy: Most enlightening post of the column. I bet top dollar.
Rob: ...I don't... have anything good to say.
Ixzy: Well, how about explaining the meaning of Kupo? We could always try answering their questions outright.
Rob: But that would suck.
Ixzy: You're right. What the hell was I thinking? I'm telling ya, man. You keep me from doing something rational. :-)
Rob: You could put it that way I guess.
Ixzy: *hugs Rob*

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Pudding is good.

Merger rhymes with Foldgers. Sorta.
They Talk...
A good one could be people's thoughts on the upcoming merger.
We Respond:
Ixzy: Yeah, that's gonna be cool. Maybe. I don't like combining two colors of socks. Therefore, I hate mergers.
Rob: I like merhing my penis with your mother. And by merhing I do in fact mean merhing, and not merging.
Ixzy: Hey! I know that means something bad! I'm going to (*smiles for our corporate sponsor*) to see what you're talking about! Unless you tell me right now!
Rob: No entry found for merhing. Did you mean merging?

mer hing

Ixzy: Man. I think I just got served.
Rob: I wonder what merkin means. Or merwin.
Ixzy: It's like this: Am I merkin sense to you? See? Now you are that who has been served!
Rob: Ah. Okay.

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. Still reading these?

They Talk...
What's the secret behind HyperSonicSpeed's greatness?
We Respond:
Rob: Sulphate, I guess.
Ixzy: Yes. Or Magnesium Phosphate, perhaps?
Rob: No. See, Sulphate is SPEED. For Christ sake. I've been hoping somebody would get that someday, but I geuss I'll have to say it myself. It was a wordplay. I thought it was pretty clever. :(
Ixzy: Don't you go waving your high school education in my face!
Rob: Was that another wordplay?
Ixzy: What's wordplay? A play on words?
Rob: Well, yeah.
Ixzy: I don't understand. :(
Rob: That wouldn't have been one though. It would have been a...metaphor? Well, see, you said highschool education. Meaning education of drugs. It would have been pretty funny had you done it intentionally.
Ixzy: Oh! Lol.
Rob: But now it kind of sucks.
Ixzy: Let's edit it up to sound good. :p
Rob: No, I like it better this way. It makes you look stupid.
Ixzy: Aww. I hate this game! :(
Rob: Another victory for me.
Ixzy: A winner is you!
Rob: Yeah, that.

Based on a 1-5 scale, 1 being least and 5 being the most.
Margin of error: 0.00. *psst* You suck.