They Talk...
Has Rob ever had any girlfriends? *cough* orisheatransvestite *cough*
-RPG Bob
We Respond:
Rob: Does ur mom count? omg lol
Anyway, no, I've never been mature enough, or my "partner"
has never been mature enough for any real relationship.
In other words, I'm, like, a playa'. Yeah.
Ixzy: I do not recall any girlfriends in his life. I hear
tell that he's a man's man.
Rob: (insert your mom/a man joke here)
Ixzy: You're getting old, Rob. You don't even put time
enough in to make a joke? Readers! Do you want this man as a
part of this column? (Note: Please don't write in. We still
hate you, you stupid, stupid people.)
Rob: No, I no longer put time in to make a joke. I let my
awesomeness fill that gap.
Ixzy: ...