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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: Crown of Order
Review: Crown of Order
By: lilwilddude | Published: September 3, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


Knowing this game is a demo I expected it to be short. And I was right. If you have little time and like Demos, this is the game for you. I beat it in 15 minutes and it's one of the best RPG Maker 2 games I've ever played.

It had nice puzzles and good music choices. I also liked the way the creator edited the Default battle system to make it custom. It reminded me of Wild Arms because rather than scrolling through a menu to select your attack/skill. Also, when attacking/being attacked your character actually appears in battle!

Story: It's a short demo and doesn't quite get the story out. But I do know that there's some competition going on in order to win some crown. And a mysterious figure steals the crown and escapes into a cave. So you give chase.

Music: As previously stated, the music is placed very well. It matches the mood and most importantly.. The battle music doesn't drive you insane by having it start every battle. Because it's not blaring loud. I hate games with blaring loud music.

Battles: I also mentioned battles earlier. Even though the battles were randomly encountered, they never became tedious. They were very fun. Like, when you choose to fight the battle rather than flee, a new window opens allowing you to press a button deciding if you want to attack, defend, cast magic, use an item, etc.

Mini-Games: Well, there was only one mini-game. You run into a bell and you have to hit X every time it chimes. I never discovered the point in this though. But it made me run into a lot of hard battles.

Puzzles: The puzzles were cool. There were things like.. EX: You see a thing, do you want to leave it there or pick it up? And when you pick it up a trap springs and hurts you. (this isn't in the game. Just an example.)

This person is very skilled in the way of the map/dungeon editor. The only dungeon in the game looks EXACTLY like a naturally formed cave! I was in awe. The town also looked natural. And in the dungeon he actually used the map editor! This is the first RPGM2 game I've seen do that. I was very surprised.Only one thing I found. What was said to be a pit, you could walk right on top of. I thought it may have been a secret passage but it was just an odd pit.

Very good. It had an edited battle system. (As previously mentioned above) And the Hero was a girl. Most games I've played have a male hero. So I found that surprising and different. It also had good puzzles and a good Bell Mini-Game.I found that there wasn't enough dialogue. But of course, this is only a demo. I just hope the full version has enough dialogue to get the story out.

I found no major bugs. He did very good a de-bugging. And it's a difficult thing to do with RPGM2.At one point, there was a pit that I could walk on. And another there was a mini-game that never seemed to end. But I may have just been really bad at it.

It was very fun! I very much enjoyed the Action battle system and the puzzles. I enjoyed my time playing even if it was only 15 minutes.I can't really think of anything that made this game not fun.

This demo is really fun! I suggest it to anyone that likes Wild Arms battles and/or puzzles. I had lots of fun! 2nd best RPGM2 game I've ever played.

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