RPG Maker 2 News (viewing 21-25 of 25 items)

So I felt like trying out that Mario game-hacking I've seen done in various Youtube videos. You know, like that "Mario Frustration" game with the invisible coin blocks and near-impossible jumps. I downloaded two editors, one for Super Mario Bros 2 called "SMB2 Transmogrificator", the other for Super Mario World called "Lunar Magic". SMB2 Transmogrificator is the one I was interested in, as it seemed that SMB2 is the least-popular Mario game to get hacked.
So, after a few days checking out what it's capable of, what's my opinion of it?
So, after a few days checking out what it's capable of, what's my opinion of it?


Villains are the cornerstones of good games. Stories are created from conflict and the villain supports that conflict. If you have a weak villain, you'll have a weak story. It is, regrettably, very easy to make a lackluster villain. This is especially true when you work backwards and create a villain out of a need, for the plot. The three things that a good villain needs are: plausibility, emotional attachment, and spotlight.