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Miniature Mayhem
 Rating - Everyone

RPG Maker 2



June 30, 2005

Latest Update
July 24, 2016



This score is based on 0 Editor reviews.



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Summary: In this game, you utilize bombs and traps to shrink enemies. Once an enemy is stunned (as indicated by red coloring), you can collect the enemy in your growth-prevention bottle. Up to three bombs and three shrink-wrap traps may be utilized simultaneously. The former is harmful to both the player and enemies while the latter only damages enemies. If you sustain damage, you can replenish health using potion spheres that you collect on certain levels. Collect all of the enemies while avoiding critical damage from the bombs to move on to the next level.

03-06-15 Update:
1] Recreated all VFX for the HUD, which now includes HP (up to 10 bars), bombs (up to 999), traps (up to 999), traps used/reserved, and potion spheres (up to 5).
2] Bomb explosion now features a more precise and ascetically pleasing blast radius which accurately indicates if you will take damage from the explosion.
3] Bomb and trap timing has been tweaked to increase accuracy.
4] Real-time save option has been implemented. The game will save every facet of your progress (Level, HP, bombs, traps, potion spheres, enemy HP, and items still present on current stage).
5] Save file reflects level progression (indicates current level).
6] Implemented new menu options, such as the ability to turn the menus on in order to enable the controller vibration function.
7] Smoothed out and lengthened the shrink/growth animations for enemies.
8] [] menu can now be opened at any time, whereas before you had to wait until all animations were completed.
9] Increased available items and dramatically decreased the difficulty of the game to make it more accessible and enjoyable.
10] Fixed a major glitch that prevented traps from being used if you beat a level with a trap still set.
11+] Countless other glitches, some major and some minor, were addressed in a manner which led to a smoother running game engine.

08-28-15 Update:
1] Slightly decreased arena size to limit enemy meandering.
2] Smoothed out enemy shrinking animations with increased frames.
3] Removed slight time delay in subsequent bomb placements.

07-24-16 Update:
1] Game now saves chosen BGM between levels.

Note: Feedback is highly welcomed. Let me know what you liked and didn't like. It is a Slot01 game. Newest version is always the one that is uploaded. Screenshots may reflect an older version.
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This game has a complete game file.

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Release Date: July 24, 2016
Latest Update: July 24, 2016

Filesize: 186 KB
Downloads: 222

Memory Cards: 1
Memory Card Slot: 1
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