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Haven't seen Part 4? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!

Greg Martin, the artist behind the classic Sonic the Hedgehog box art covers along with many other classic videogame box art covers, died a few days ago. Reported by his friend over at NintendoAge's forums.

After the jump, you can see some of the other covers he was responsible for.

After the jump, you can see some of the other covers he was responsible for.


Haven't seen Part 3? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!


Haven't seen Part 2? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!


Haven't read part 3? Do so here.
Welcome back to the final part of our retrospective. It's been a long trip getting here, and I'm glad you've stuck with it. While not part of the main series, we will be covering Tactics and Tactics Advance. We both have played them and think they are very much worth including into this retrospective. So we'll cover these two real quick and then wind things down with our overall score and statement of the series. And just like the last three times, this may contain spoilers.
Welcome back to the final part of our retrospective. It's been a long trip getting here, and I'm glad you've stuck with it. While not part of the main series, we will be covering Tactics and Tactics Advance. We both have played them and think they are very much worth including into this retrospective. So we'll cover these two real quick and then wind things down with our overall score and statement of the series. And just like the last three times, this may contain spoilers.


Haven't seen Part 1? Click here to do so.
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Let's go!
This continues the article series on my Top 100! Here's a small recap of what I'm doing:
Ixzion wrote:
I decided that each game may only have 1 song (I did this, but cut two too many and two games have 2 songs).
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
In ordering, I started with my top 50 and said to myself "If I wanted to make a top 10, which of these could never be out of the top 10?" and kept going down by 10s until the list was completed.
Let's go!


MagCon Prime 2014 has been officially announced! This is our 7th MagCon Prime (8 MagCons in total when we count MagCon West) and we couldn't be happier about it!
We're a little later than usual getting this information up, but it's still all good. All the details for this convention are listed after the bump.
We're a little later than usual getting this information up, but it's still all good. All the details for this convention are listed after the bump.


RPGM Magazine will soon have surpassed a decade in operation. Thanks to all those who have stuck through all this time and continue to be active in our community. We never would have made it this long without you!
There's a chat party happening on Friday, January 31, 2014 starting at 8pm CST/9pm EST in...the chat! If you have an account, all you do it hit the chat button at the top.
More after the jump!
There's a chat party happening on Friday, January 31, 2014 starting at 8pm CST/9pm EST in...the chat! If you have an account, all you do it hit the chat button at the top.
More after the jump!


Haven't read part 2? Do so here.
Hey guys. Welcome back to part three of our Final Fantasy Retrospective. Today we will be covering the rest of the main series and soon, collecting our scores from all of them and seeing how this all plays out. So let's get to it.
Hey guys. Welcome back to part three of our Final Fantasy Retrospective. Today we will be covering the rest of the main series and soon, collecting our scores from all of them and seeing how this all plays out. So let's get to it.