This is your stop for all things MagCon Prime 2015!
March 19-22, 2015
MagCon Prime 2015 Schedule (Google Doc)
Click Here
Live-Stream Link
Click Here
We will be live-streaming via Google Hangout during the times indicated on this schedule. You will be able to interact with us on our wonderful vacation!
More after the jump.


Part of RPGMM v6.1.1 "MiniTofu"
Publishing System Improvements
I have been busy. I have been working on a way to use the new Publishing system at the Mag in order to upload my LPs way in advance and then simply "turn them on" over time. However, I discovered that whenever I made a new playlist or category, they simply are "on" with no way to turn them off. Of course, I could simply leave it alone, but then I would be advertising months in advance what I'm about to do. So I decided to give the system a big overhaul, too.
The system does multiple things. Jump to find out!


Part of RPGMM v6.1.1 "MiniTofu"
Let's Play System Improvements
This has been surprisingly involved, but I have changed the site over to use a publishing system like YouTube. All content on the site is now organized by its publishing date (the moment you hit Publish the first time) instead of its creation date.
Users may stockpile various amounts of articles, LPsodes and RPG Maker content on the site and publish it with a simple click of the Publish checkbox (or publising via the traditional "Manage Page" method), letting you work at your own pace and allowing your work to hit the site when YOU want it to.
But that's not all the changes to the Mag! More details and other things after the jump.