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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: Corporal Buggy Bear
Review: Corporal Buggy Bear
By: hitogoroshi | Published: January 22, 2008 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


This is everything a comedy game should be. Hilarious, and not just by the standards of a game. There were many genuine laughs - though for the best experience I recommend playing it with a friend. This games requires no excuses, and is easily worth downloading the runtime package for.

Corporal Buggy Bear follows the adventures of - suprise! Corporal Buggy Bear. An army member with an overly tight helmet and an obsession with violence, his adventure starts with him single-handedly trying to stop a peasant rebellion and ends (along with middles) in hilarity.

Cutscenes are fluid and serve to push the humor along. Character voices are very apparent and add to the fun. I simply cannot give a max score because nothing is AMAZING. It's all functional, and I have no problems with anything, but nothing jumps offs the screen as amazing.

There are some fun minigames.Some sections, such as the Foyer of Despair, seek to parody long, boring, mindless mazes but only succeed in being long, boring, and mindless.

There are almost no errors or mistakes to speak of. A minor quibble, but worth mentioning - Buggy Bear talks in ALL CAPS but goes to normal speech when you have to make a decision. Whats up with that man.

THIS IS WHERE THE FUNNY GOES. Funny. Yes. As said before, it's much better with a friend - it's weird to laugh on your own. It drags on at parts where you have to wander through long sections without the humorous speech to propel you. Fortunately, this is rare.

This isn't perfect, maybe, but it's playable without the justification of an RPG Maker game. You can just pick this up and have fun. It would benefit from some more minigames and less wandering. I encourage everyone to play it, and I also encourage Mewd to make Corporal Buggy Bear 1.5. With a bit of a shot in the arm (and perhaps another mail-in survey), this game could easily be 100% quality.

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