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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: Duder and the Mage
Review: Duder and the Mage
By: hitogoroshi | Published: October 24, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


First off, let me say that I was stuck when I saved between two bosses with no heal, so I didn't see this game to the end. So if the plot has a great ending or whatever - no dice.

Duder and the Mage is about a surreal world that you can only access by doing some dank weed. Duder and his longtime friend Jane decide to do this and end up in said world, populated by frogs who have a thing for human girls. Who knew.

Honestly, there are elements that seem to suggest a surprisingly sophisticated plot. However, atreides seems to discard this in favor of the standard obscene shock humor. He also takes this as an excuse to have polish levels you'd expect in a garbage contest game, and this quite obviously drags the game itself down quite a bit.

The opening town is really well laid out. Occasional elements of plot are extremely well doneHis over-use of short message boxes (as opposed to each box getting close to the limit of text) gives the dialog a very choppy feel. In fact, most of the dialog is just bad. Really bad.

You can choose between Offensive Jane and Defensive Jane.As far as I can tell, you can't win with Offensive Jane. And, uh, there's really nothing else new here. I'll put in a few benefit of the doubt points as I didn't finish, but nothing strikes me as "unqiue."

There don't seem to be any repeating events. I haven't seen a heal point in the entire game. You should not be able to save after a boss and fight another with NO HEALING. It's impossible for a good score when this is so game-breaking.

A bit of the humor is actually funny.Battles are bleh. Even if they are all events, invisible events are random in my eyes. And overall it's just...boring.

I don't believe the games faults are because of any lack of skill on the creators part. As stated, there were some hints of a great game in there. He simply seemed to have lowered his expectations for a potty game and frankly it showed. While I cannot suggest playing this game to anyone, I will be the first to download his Whispers in the Woods prequel. Overall I think this game serves as a lesson - no matter how wacky your theme, you need a solid game to back it up.

Also, I could not beat the game due to the aforementioned heal difficulty. If there is something significant I missed, atreides, feel free to PM me. Personally I am curious as to whether anyone beat this game without inside info from the maker.

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