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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: Untraditional!
Review: Untraditional!
By: MRevelle83 | Published: September 3, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


Lets face it, most of the RPGs on the market have much in common. Too much. They all seem to want to tell the same old story of the hero who finds love and saves the world. All the while, sightseeing his own world where only a hundred people exist and it takes 5 minutes to cross the globe in a plane that never runs out of gas. Sound familiar? Well, it does to me too. And to the creator of Untraditional!, as evident by this game.

Obviously, since Untraditional! is called "untraditional", it showcases the most RPG cliches. All part of the satire and comedy that this game radiates.<br><br>

I wish I could explain the story, but I cannot. The story, intentionally, makes no sense. But that is what is so great about it- there was never a need to be perfect. In a sense of total irony, the imperfection of the story is makes it perfect in the first place. Make any sense? If any of this does, then Untraditional! has failed in what it set out to do.

Untraditional! has many great things about it. Custom graphics, great environments, hilarious dialogue and just general text, and RPG cliche observations. Oh, and meowing babies. ROCK ON!Although they are brilliant observations, some jokes fall flat. While intentional, sometimes the story gets too confusing for the casual gamer. Finally, among the great environments, are a few so-so places that could have been better.

The satire in this game even ventures into the Features. Although you start in a festival and can enter a casino, you cannot play anything. All the seats are full! The gameplay of Untraditional! also mirrors this.I can't remember, were there sidequests? With the fast paced story and gameplay, I think I may have either missed or have forgotten any minigames. This category takes a hit, but not too much, because of this. The satirical approach to the casino makes this a bit more redeemable.

There are many misspellings, but seem to be intentional. No bugs hinder the advancement of the game, thankfully. Any minor glitches can be passed, as I have noticed none.A few music hiccups can be heard. Some misspellings don't seem to be intentional, but are forgiveable. There are also some glitches in the graphics, one example being the volcano.

This game is easy, but fun. Even with the default battle system, the gameplay is a treat. You also never know what is going to happen next, and that makes it all worth it.Aside from being easy, there is no hinderance on the fun in Untraditional! The creator has made a great game. If it had been a serious game, this category would not have received top billing.

Untraditional! shows just what is wrong with RPGs. They need original plots and gameplay. If they had those, we wouldn't need a game like to this to address these issues. But then again, this game wouldn't exist, and it would have been a shame. At least that is one thing we can thank cliche RPGs for, is leading to the creation of Untraditional! Its all good, actually. Even the mandatory plot events.

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