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Main » Magazine » RPG Maker » Review: RAZR Burn
Review: RAZR Burn
By: MRevelle83 | Published: September 3, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


Good news. Despite the arrival of RPG Makers 2 and 3, game designers of the first RPG Maker are still hard at work at producing quality games for that medium. One maker that has not forsaken this old maker is Jerbils, creator of the game Crazy Skating.

Although the art was flawed, the game still managed to bring new life in RPG Maker by breaking new ground. Once again, he shows his skill with the medium by producing another quality time killer, RAZR Burn. Although not as groundbreaking as Crazy Skating, it is still as much fun.<Br><br>

The story follows the misadventures of Jeremy and Mike as they quest to get back Jeremy's cell phone. This phone contains the phone number of a girl, and it just so happens they have a strict time limit. And in a bunny suit no less! Plot holes (self evident in the game, though), Final Fantasy VII parodies, side characters with a lesser IQ than cardboard, and other general nonsense ensues as they embark on the mythical quest for the great cell phone. Ok, its not mythical at all, but you get the point.

Most of the areas in the game are visually great, detailed to the tee. A hilarious story is only the icing on the cake as well. A few, but incredibly well drawn, custom graphics are put in as well.A few areas of the game are bland and not much to look at. Luckily this is kept to a minimum. The game is also short, but hey, leaving you wanting more is not always a bad thing.

There are only a few features within the game, mostly of the sidequest/secret calibur. You can collect keys to watch interviews with 3 individuals, buy a monkey, and obtain multiple endings.The only complaint is there are too little features, but what is there is gold.

Here's something: an RPG Maker game with no noticeable spelling errors! The game runs smoothly too. No bugs hinder the gameplay, thats for sure.A few errors are evident. None I can consider glitches, since these are addressed in the game itself. In fact, when it is addressed, it is used for humor. No points deducted, because it appears these were kept intentionally.

A simple but great story is only the topping of this game. It is fun to play as you explore and waddle your way to Jeremy's cell phone.The game is too short. I found myself saddened that it ended. RAZR Burn managed to do something that rarely happens: makes me want the game to never end. Unfortunately, all things come to an end. And so does RAZR Burn.

There is nothing particularly innovative about this game. No groundbreaking detours made in the confines of RPG Maker. And yet, I cannot get over it. It never takes itself seriously, and yet I did. The humor, graphics, plot (or lack thereof, in more ways than one), and gameplay conspire together to give the player a great experience. And all this, over cell phones and a woman in a bunny suit. Who'd a thought? And, a word of advice: don't name your child Mittens.

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