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Preview: Series 3
By: KumoShinagi | Published: September 3, 2007 22:00 pm | RPG Maker


With RPG Maker 3 having lots of limitations, there seems to be no escape from the standard "Dungeon Crawling RPG" setting. There's hope though. In comes Series 3, the third game in the series created by Perversion.

Over Private Messenging, I had a chance to talk to Perversion about this Farming game.

Kumo Shinagi:
Now, I understand that this is a Farming/Dating sim for RPGM3, that's pretty impressive for the system

you're using. For our readers, could you explain the basic plot to Series 3?

Well, this still being a work in progress, it's pretty standard, and still needs some work. Your uncle

leaves you a plot of land on which to make your fortune, and you start out with that. There really is

no "plotline" in my mind right now. The game is about talking to people and dating girls, one of whom

you eventually can marry. I'm working on this game as I worked on Series 1 and Series 2, and that is, I

have a basic framework for the story, but I really try to focus my initial creation time on finding

interesting ways to push the boundaries of the software.

Ah, I see. Now, there's a farming/dating sim on RPG Maker 2, I would think making a game such as this

would work better on that. Was there any particular reason that you choose RPG Maker 3 for the


Well...I messed around with RPG Maker 2 for a little while, but I figured it would take me way too long

to learn the ins and outs of the software before I was actually able to create something good. So

instead, my focus has been on making games for RPG Maker 3 that stretch the boundaries of what can be

done on that piece of software. I want to make games that stand out, and I think that with my limited

experience with RPG Maker 2, any game I try to make would just be "another game." Plus, as you said,

there's already a farming sim for RPGM 2, so why be redundant?

*Laughs* Very true, very true. You're trying to do what people did for RPGM1. Ingenuity at it's best.

Now, I've played Series 1 before and enjoyed it. I read up and Series 2 and found that it's going to be

an Arena Fighting type of game. My question is, do any of these Series tie together, or are they all

just little separate realms ala' Final Fantasy?

Well, Series 2 is going to be a sequel to Series 1, with a few of the same characters, and set in the

same world. But I did not want to rest on my laurels and keep rehashing sequel after sequel. I COULD

have set Series 3 in the same world, but seeing as how the game is filled with anachronisms and

characters commenting on rpg conventions for a humorous effect, I did not want to take away anything

from the serious world I created in Series 1.

That makes total sense. Now, let's talk about Series 3 a bit more. I know that you'll be able to plant

and grow crops and date the local women, are there any more features or minigames being planned/

already made?

Well, I hope you bought a fishing pole and went fishing when you played, because that is one of the

features already in the game. I plan to have a hunting "minigame" as well...and if RPGM 3's

restrictions don't thwart me, there will be a way to take your crops/fish/animals you hunt and combine

them into a tasty meal. I might update my gambling minigame from Series 1, and include it, as well as a

few other gambling games. I created a "pseudo" random number generator for the game as well, which will

allow things to appear semi-random. For example, depending on what your random number happens to be,

people will say different things to you. I tried to use Animal Crossing as a reference point here;

there will be a few characters who you can engage in at least 30 different conversations with.

30 conversations, huh? Interesting, very interesting! Now, in the build of the game you sent me, there

was this musty cave that I went into, and there were some plants and a few treasure chests. What'sgonna happen there?

I'm not at liberty to disclose that information at this point in time....actually it's a way to build

up your cash flow to eventually afford to buy a house. The plants are herbs that you can collect to

sell for profit. You will also be able to gather mushrooms and fruit off of trees in other places in

the game. It's really nothing major. But you will need to buy a house before the young lass of your

choice consents to marry you. That is the ultimate goal of the a house and get married.

Oh, that's alright. Well, after Series 3, do you have anything else on the horizon?

Well, I've found that lately, I've had a bad case of short attention span theatre with the games I'm

making. I keep getting all these new ideas for games to make, and want to start making them at the

expense of the game I'm currently working on. I would like to finish Series 2 (which, ironically, will

come out after Series 3). A few ideas I have include a choose-your-own-adventure type text-based game,

a card battler, and a slight aside from the "series" that will be a way for people to read my short

stories and poetry, with minigames and puzzles to solve that will unlock more of my written material. I

might try making this on RPGM 2 because I also want to include some music I've made.

I know what you mean. I have a pretty short attention span myself. *chuckle* Well, it's been a pleasure

interviewing you and previewing your game. I'll be looking forward to a full release in the nearfuture.

As always, I got to play with an early build of the game. From my impressions, it's very well designed. You can buy seeds in which to plant in the farm, and then use the crops you grow and sell them in town. The NPC's also have detailed conversations, and actually have things to say. I urge anyone who loves sim games (especially Harvest Moon), check out Series 3 when it come out.

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