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Guarionex plays Tomodachi Life!
By: Guarionex | Published: June 19, 2014 20:05 pm | Gaming



Despite Nintendo’s decision of not allowing Miis of the same gender to become “sweethearts” or getting married, I wanted to give Tomodachi Life a try, and for the moment I am not regretting it. Tomodachi life is the kind of game that will probably make you go “WTF” as you see some gameplay or the Direct Nintendo released a while ago. I want to say it’s like a Sims game, since it shares some similarities, but it’s different enough.


So, where do I start? In Tomodachi Life, you get to create or send Miis from Mii Maker into an island which you will name. You will choose voice and personality traits (via a slider) before this Mii moves into the Mii Apartments, which will initially be just an empty room. From here, you can make more Miis to fill other apartments. When a Mii is in their apartment, you can check if they need help at something. They might want to play, wish for food or new clothes or maybe become friends or sweethearts with another Mii. Helping each Mii will fill their happiness bar. When you level up (or fill the Hapiness bar) you will be bale to give that Mii a gift, or even the ability to sing a specific genre. Helping Miis also will earn you money. You will be using money to buy your island residents food, clothes, interior decorations and hats.


Yes, you even get to tickle their nose to help them sneeze once in a while.


Sometimes, Miis will want to play. These are simple games that usually take less than a minute to complete.


Not every Mii likes the same food or clothes, so you'll have to experiment a little bit. But don't worry, you'll know when you find something they absolutely love, or absolutely hate.

Seriously, you'll know when they love something...

And you'll surely know when they hate it.

Besides that, what else is there to do?

Well, as you get more citizens, you start unlocking more shops and features like the photo studio.


The photo studio allows you to take pictures of couples, groups of up to 8 people, child pictures (with or without their parents) or a full islander picture.


You'll have access to concert hall for singing Miis to express themselves. The interesting bit about the concert hall is that you can actually change the lyrics of the song, and have your Miis sing it out. If more than one Mii know the same genre, they can even pair up.


Other areas, are simply places in which Miis can hang out. The fun part of the game is watching some of the interactions among Miis, specially when they express their love to another. There's also the fact that Miis actually talk in this game. They are able to pronounce names you add (like Miis and the island's name) or even phrases you make them say or sing.


Going back to the social aspect, you don't really have much control over who each Mii likes. They will ask you before befriending, confessing their love or proposing to someone, but in the end. you can't really force them to be together. A Mii can be rejected or even have another Mii confess their love and steal their potential sweatheart away.

(Spoiler alert: Brock actually got the girl!)


And of course, married couple can have babies. These babies. Couples will have their own houses in which they can raise one child.


Once this child is big enough, he can move out of their house and occupy one of your Mii appartments, or travel around the world. When a child becomes a traveler, they'll be passed around sreetpasses and they will write about the other islands they have been at.


There are other little things you can do that don't affect your Miis, but can be fun to do once in a while, like Quirky Questions, where you fill the blank in a question and them Miis raise their hand if they do that.


But really, sometimes, must of the fun is just adding representations of family members, video game or movie characters, or even celebrities and youtubers and watch what happens.

Consuela the Family Guy maid can become Maleficent's best friends and you might see Mario getting depressed because your mother rejected him. If you worry that you'll hook up with your sibling, don't worry! You can specify if Miis are related to you so that won't have to happen. But in the end, Miis are aware that you are the main Mii's look alike and that the other Miis probably have a look alike somewhere out there.


Pictures are easily taken with the press of a button (X for bottom screen, and Y for top screen) and can be shared in game to facebook, twitter, or tumblr.


This is definitely not a game for everyone, but if you enjoyed games like the Sims and Animal Crossing, then you might find yourself enjoying this game. If not, then it's probably a good idea to stay away from it.


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Comments (2)
June 19, 2014 08:15 pm


This is exactly how I feel about the game! Good stuff. It really shows off the game and your warning at the end is the perfect way to describe it to those who are on the fence.
June 19, 2014 08:09 pm


I have learned so much about my friends based on the screens they've shared. I love it.
By the power of cheeseburgers I give this article a 7.

Out of 5.
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