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Main » Magazine » Site News » RPGMM v6.1 KillerTofu is HERE!
RPGMM v6.1 KillerTofu is HERE!
By: Ixzion | Published: February 20, 2014 18:52 pm | Site News


RPGM Magazine's next big thing has been released!

RPGM Magazine Version 6.1, codename "KillerTofu", is finally here. This is one of the meatiest updates you'll see from the site for a good while. Why? Well, take a look after the jump to find out!

Before starting off, I want to thank the following people for contributing ideas for the release (in order of the thread): Remeer, ShadowFox1001, Draygone, Duel (we need some ad banners), Lantis, GunarmDyne.

The following people helped test: Lantis, Fayorei, insultobot, Draygone.

XP System
Users are now awarded XP for more than just staying in the chatroom. The following activities award XP:

Posting an article - 100K XP
Posting an LPsode - 25K XP
Posting RPG Maker content - 100K XP
Posting a comment on any piece of content - 10K XP
Making a forum post - 10K XP
Upvoting/downvoting a comment or an article - 100 XP
Reporting a page - 100 XP
Being in the chat when a user leaves - Between 1 and 9999 XP

Rank, based on your forum post count, awards you with bonus XP. This used to be known as coins (and is still visually noted that way in the chat). For each forum rank you attain, you are awarded 5% bonus XP times your Rank. Therefore, if you are Rank 2, for each activity you complete, you will receive 10% bonus XP for it. Here are the current ranks:

0 (No Rank) - Magonian Apprentice
100 (Rank 1 ) - Untrained Thief
300 (Rank 2 ) - Eager White Mage
600 (Rank 3 ) - Studying Black Mage
1000 (Rank 4 ) - Fighter in Training
1500 (Rank 5 ) - Nimble Thief
2100 (Rank 6 ) - Potent White Mage
2800 (Rank 7 ) - Learned Black Mage
3600 (Rank 8 ) - Adapt Fighter
4500 (Rank 9 ) - Mischievous Thief
5400 (Rank 10) - Cute Lil White Mage
6400 (Rank 11) - Sexy Black Mage
7500 (Rank 12) - Headstrong Fighter

XP Bar
A new XP bar has been added in your Profile page and on forum posts. In your Profile page, this will show your current level, rank, XP earned for the current level and the XP needed to get to the next level. In the forums, this shows in your forum posts.

Notifications System
A notifications system has been installed sitewide. It uses the current private messaging system as its backbone, so in addition to normal private messages, you will also get messages from this system from system (here, the system is DungeonMaster). You will receive a message when:

An admin publishes a Site News article (this is situational)
A user comments on any of your content
A user quotes you on site content (more details below under "Reply System")

On every page of the site, at the very top and bottom of the page in the navbar, you will see a messages notification. This will be updated automatically when you get new messages so that you know when one of the above events has happened.

When you receive a message, it will denote that it IS a note from the system. In the message, you will find the user that prompted this message to you, a link to the page that they left their comment and the full message they made.

Reply System
When someone uses the quote bbcode in a comment (ex.
Ixzion wrote:
), the system will take the first tag it finds and send a message to that user. The system is smart enough to know, however, that it shouldn't send a message to a user if they quote themselves.

Rules and Folders
For those of you who want to separate your site notifications from your personal messages from users, go to your PMs and look on the left side for the item marked "Rules, folders & settings." From here, look for the "add folder" field and type in something like "Site Notifications" then hit "Add." (Alternately, you could just rename "Saved Messages" to "Site Notifications" if you don't ever use it.) Now at the top of the page, you should see "Add new rule." You want to choose "Sender" for the first field, "Is" for the second, and type in "DungeonMaster" in the next one. Be aware that this is a case sensitive field, so make sure it's correct. For the final field, select whatever you named the new folder you previously crated and click "Add rule." Now all site notifications will have their own designated spot in your PMs.

Quick Publish System
This system is extremely simple. Now, on each piece of content you own, there is an option to publish or unpublish it with a single click if you are viewing its page. This is very handy, as it cuts out two steps in the publishing process.

Chat Modifications
The chatroom has been moved away from the /forums/chat.php file. From now on, the url for the chat will be

The chat has been reformatted and resized to become a part of the actual site instead of a off-shoot. All controls are the same as they always have been. However, Theme has been removed as an option. Use the site style to change the colors of the chat.

Chat XP cooldown time has been installed. Users may only give out XP in the chat every 5 minutes. So if someone logs out and comes back in, they must wait 5 minutes before being able to give XP again.

If a user has not entered a new message in the chat for 30 minutes, they will be automatically set to AFK. When they change their status or insert a new message, they will be set to "Here".

Typing /me will now replace the entire line with your action. So now you will see "Ixzion laughs" instead of a bunch of date/time information on said line.

Let's Play Archive and Content Creation
The ability to browse and search LP content by LP Playlists has been added.

Channel Views has been added to all users' LP homepage. This denotes the total amount the channel has.

When creating a new LPsode, you now have the ability to create a new LP Playlist to assign it to.

When using the Add Category/Playlist tool, if you are making a playlist, you now have the ability to assign it to a category (or create a new category to assign it to) AND assign a playlist image to it at the same time.

Profile Page
Previously, the was confusion about which profile did we mean when we said "go to your profile". There is no longer any confusion. There is only one Profile page now, which is accessed from everywhere on the site.

Changes to the Profile Page:
Quick links to Edit Site Theme and Edit Profile have been added to your sidebar.

New profile fields have been added for social networking aspects, so you may tie Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts to your Profile and display them on your page for all to see.

Your current level, rank and XP progress are displayed. This was mentioned under the XP System section above.

Users can see the Profile user's post count and search their posts.

Extremely important: The birthdate fields have been changed so they are properly "Month/Day/Year" instead of the default "Day/Month/Year". This will please at least one member.

Site Optimization and Speed Boost
This is a small section, but important. Through various fixes, I have been able to shrink the payload of the site's load. The site should load much faster than it has been. It should be around 2-3 seconds on first load.

Help Button
There is a new Help Button on all content creation forms at the top right of the form. It is a blue-color question mark. If you click it, it will take you to the FAQ that will help you. If you see it beside a form field, you can hover over it to get some extra details.

This is a list of fixes performed in no particular order.

Cross-compatibility issues
The site's layout now looks the same in Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. For the most part. Internet Explorer is adamant about making the forum's text centered. I will fix this eventually.

Redirects and Login/Logout Redirects
When users used to type in "", it used to redirect users to the front page. Now it will gracefully send users to the proper "".

Now when logging in or logging out, the site will send you to the last page you were on, regardless of it was a content page or a forum topic.

The error on the Profile page where if you had the top item unpublished, it would obscure the item count.

Newest User Content sidebar was showing 11 items instead of 10.

Imagine would not create a thumbnail for .bmp files. It now does make a preview, but for 256-color bitmaps, the preview is degraded. There's nothing that can be done about that. 24-bit bitmaps are A-OK, though.

File uploads used to prevent upload if the site couldn't detect it was a zip file. This has been changed to trigger a notice that the user can ignore and proceed with the transfer.

Searches for RM tools resulted in broken links.

Attachments in forum posts no longer break the layout

The icons in the legend for New Posts, New Posts Popular and New Posts Locked have been restored.

So that's RPGMM v6.1 KillerTofu in a nutshell. What do you think?

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Comments (8)
February 24, 2014 02:06 am


Bon approves this.
February 23, 2014 10:45 am


FYI, there was a problem with the Facebook/Twitter/YouTube profile options. I found them and now people are able to add those in their profile pages.
Guarionex wrote:
Sweet! More chances to get exp! I am terribly underleveled.
Those are some nice additions, specially the birthday format change. XD
I'll need to toy around with some of the new features.

Yep, absolutely man. I'm glad you like all the special features. The birthday change was paramount. When we started out KillerTofu, that was the first thing on the to-do list.
February 21, 2014 03:50 pm


Sweet! More chances to get exp! I am terribly underleveled.
Those are some nice additions, specially the birthday format change. XD
I'll need to toy around with some of the new features.
February 20, 2014 10:58 pm


February 20, 2014 09:55 pm


Thanks for the replies so far. I do appreciate them. :D
insultobot wrote:

Just kidding! This is amazing!
I love the changes to the chat, especially linking the experience system site wide. The consequences something something.

Will we need to republish content from before this update as we did in beta? I didn't see that in your post. Maybe I missed it if you said as much.

Haha, tldr.

Yeah, I actually didn't mention that. Yes, people will have the option to republish their content to claim the XP if they want it.

However, right now, the Quick Publish tool has a glitch where it's not giving up XP. I have to fix that.


Edit: Quick Publish is now working properly.
February 20, 2014 09:42 pm



Just kidding! This is amazing!
I love the changes to the chat, especially linking the experience system site wide. The consequences something something.

Will we need to republish content from before this update as we did in beta? I didn't see that in your post. Maybe I missed it if you said as much.
February 20, 2014 08:31 pm


Looks awesome.

Great work.
February 20, 2014 06:57 pm



No, but seriously. Great job on this.:D
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