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LP Content (viewing 141-160 of 518 items)
Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. And we're finally back. Everyone's back from the holidays so now we can get back to racing. This time around it's ShadowFox's pick. So we are racing through Sonic 1.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic 1
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: February 12, 2014
Latest Update: February 12, 2014
Part 1 of SLPH race #11 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic 1
Let's Race: Sonic & Knuckles
Let's Race: Sonic & Knuckles
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: July 3, 2015
Latest Update: July 3, 2015
Part 1 of SLPH race #41 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Sonic & Knuckles
Let's Race: Rescue Rangers
Let's Race: Rescue Rangers
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: August 31, 2016
Latest Update: August 31, 2016
SLPH race #64 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Rescue Rangers
Let's Race: Quake 1 Episodes 1 & 3
Let's Race: Quake 1 Episodes 1 & 3
Uploader(s): DeadZergling
Created: May 11, 2017
Latest Update: May 11, 2017
The Time Zone Super Friends finally race something that isn't a sidescroller, Quake 1. This was my pick, from one of my favorite game series by ID Software.

In attempts to keep things more interesting, I must play on nightmare mode, no saves allowed, while Waldimart and SIrRosser are playing on normal, unlimited save abuse.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Quake 1 Episodes 1 & 3
Let's Race: Punky Skunk
Let's Race: Punky Skunk
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 31, 2014
Latest Update: October 31, 2014
In which it is discovered just how much Dray hates us all. But more importantly, this is actually the last game we are racing in this traditional style. We are currently discussing a new format that we'll be starting for 2015. I'm excited about the changes and I hope you guys will be too. And as always, thanks again for checking out our video. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Punky Skunk
Let's Race: Power Rangers
Let's Race: Power Rangers
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: December 19, 2013
Latest Update: December 19, 2013
In which we hit up another random game before we do Sega's Aladdin, Kajak's pick. Make sure to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. Youtube doesn't do it by default. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Power Rangers
Let's Race: Power Blade
Let's Race: Power Blade
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: February 6, 2015
Latest Update: February 6, 2015
SLPH race #32 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Power Blade
Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Portal
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
As usual, mouse over any of the screens to see the name of the racer via annotations. Also, don't forget to change the video quality to HD in case things are looking blurry. The first and only time we will be doing a PC based Let's Race. This took way too long to set up and get started. And even then we had a few issues. I tried to fix them as best I could, so don't be to harsh with me.

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  • Playlist: Let's Race: Portal
Let's Race: Pocky & Rocky
Let's Race: Pocky & Rocky
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 31, 2014
Latest Update: October 31, 2014
In which we race a game I've wanted to do for a while. I haven't picked it all this time because it's kind of a difficult game. But with the right use of save states, it should be fine, right? Anyways, had a bit a issue with the audio balancing this time around, shouldn't be a problem in the next part. And as always, thanks again for checking out our video. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Pocky & Rocky
Let's Race: Pitfall 2
Let's Race: Pitfall 2
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: February 20, 2015
Latest Update: February 20, 2015
SLPH race #34 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Pitfall 2
Let's Race: Ocarina of Time (Kid Link)
Let's Race: Ocarina of Time (Kid Link)
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: March 3, 2017
Latest Update: March 3, 2017
Part 1 of SLPH race #73 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Ocarina of Time (Kid Link)
Let's Race: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Let's Race: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: February 12, 2014
Latest Update: February 12, 2014
Part 1 of SLPH race #9 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Let's Race: NES Mega Man Robot Masters
Let's Race: NES Mega Man Robot Masters
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: January 6, 2016
Latest Update: January 6, 2016
Part 1 of SLPH race #50 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: NES Mega Man Robot Masters
Let's Race: Mischief Makers
Let's Race: Mischief Makers
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: January 9, 2015
Latest Update: January 9, 2015
Part 1 of SLPH race #30 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mischief Makers
Let's Race: Metroid Zero Mission
Let's Race: Metroid Zero Mission
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: June 21, 2015
Latest Update: June 21, 2015
Part 1 of SLPH race #40 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Metroid Zero Mission
Let's Race: Metroid
Let's Race: Metroid
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: August 31, 2016
Latest Update: August 31, 2016
Part 1 of SLPH race #63 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Metroid
Let's Race: Mega Man X6
Let's Race: Mega Man X6
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: January 3, 2017
Latest Update: January 3, 2017
Part 1 of SLPH race #68 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mega Man X6
Let's Race: Mega Man X5
Let's Race: Mega Man X5
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: May 5, 2016
Latest Update: May 5, 2016
Part 1 of SLPH race #58 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mega Man X5
Let's Race: Mega Man X4
Let's Race: Mega Man X4
Uploader(s): GoldGlee
Created: November 18, 2015
Latest Update: November 18, 2015
Part 1 of SLPH race #48 ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Race: Mega Man X4
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