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LP Content (viewing 501-518 of 518 items)
Let's Play Privates
Let's Play Privates
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
So, after reading at IGN about this game and how it got denied being on Xbox Live, I was immediately interested. So I found that they released the game for PC. So I had to get it. Privates is a sexsual education game with wonderful writing and crude humor. I hope you are looking forward to this... because I am. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Privates
Let's Play Lost Vikings 2
Let's Play Lost Vikings 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Well, guys. Kajak and I are back with The Lost Vikings 2. After beating the first one, we had to go back and finish the second. Like last time, this is a casual playthrough that involves abusing the rewind key. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Lost Vikings 2
Let's Play Lost Vikings
Let's Play Lost Vikings
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
So, this was a spontanious LP that Kajak and I decided we should totally do. We both remember playing The Lost Vikings back in the day and remembered how much we liked it. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Lost Vikings
Let's Play Parasite Eve 2
Let's Play Parasite Eve 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
After finishing the Chrysler Building in Parasite Eve 1, we promptly started with Parasite Eve 2. Watch as the Parasite Eve series takes a turn to a more Resident Evil type gameplay. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Parasite Eve 2
Let's Play Parasite Eve
Let's Play Parasite Eve
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
And now to start something a little different. Parasite Eve is one of those interesting games where they go out and try something totally new in the RPG genre... and it worked out great. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Parasite Eve
Let's Play Secret of Mana
Let's Play Secret of Mana
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Here's the beginning of probably our longest LP yet. This is also SK's first run through of this game, making it a half-way blind run. Also, it seems I've forgotten a good deal too. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Secret of Mana
Let's Play Super Mario Land 2 & 1
Let's Play Super Mario Land 2 & 1
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
In which SK and I play through Super Mario Land 2... and then followed by 1. It was a rather spontaneous idea to even play the second one, and after we finished it, SK was all like, "let's play 1 now." So that's why they are in reverse order. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Super Mario Land 2 & 1
Let's Play Megaman Legends 2
Let's Play Megaman Legends 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Welcome one and all to Let's Play Megaman Legends 2. If you enjoyed the MML1 LP, then this should be worth your while. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Megaman Legends 2
Let's Play Megeman Legends
Let's Play Megeman Legends
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
In which SK and I start our LP of Megaman Legends. We both are really big fans of the series and both are looking forward to Megaman Legends 3. But for now, enjoy this. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Megeman Legends
Let's Play Radical Dreamers
Let's Play Radical Dreamers
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
In which I start the only game of the Chrono series that I have yet to play. This is actually my second recording as I, like a horrible noob, deleted my original recording. The comentary may not be as good as the original, but I hope you can overlook that. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Radical Dreamers
Let's Play Chrono Cross
Let's Play Chrono Cross
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Oh boy, it starts. I'm not really sure if I want to do this or not... but I'm doing it anyways.
...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Chrono Cross
Let's Play Chrono Trigger
Let's Play Chrono Trigger
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Alternately titled - Let's Play The Freaking Best Game Ever Made: Part 1
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  • Playlist: Let's Play Chrono Trigger
Let's Play Terranigma
Let's Play Terranigma
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Finally, after seemingly forever, I've started the final game in the Qintet series, Terranigma. It's been a while since I've played it, and I've only played it once, but I remain optomistic that this LP will be awesome enough. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Terranigma
Let's Play Illusion of Gaia
Let's Play Illusion of Gaia
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Welcome to the start of the second game of the Quintet (which I was saying 'quartete for some reason) trio: Ilusion of Gaia. This game is probably the best out of the three... and you can see a good deal of Soul Blazer references in just this one video. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Illusion of Gaia
Let's Play Soul Blazer
Let's Play Soul Blazer
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Here we start the first of three quite awesome games. Soul Blazer for the SNES was the first in a series made by Quartet. Soon to follow were Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma... and we will get to them in due time. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Soul Blazer
Let's Play Earthworm Jim 1 & 2
Let's Play Earthworm Jim 1 & 2
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
In which we start our two part LP of the EWJ franchise. This game is yet another example of games that went to 3D and failed horribly. Too bad too, because the first two were just sheer awesome, and you're about to see why.
...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Earthworm Jim 1 & 2
Let's Play Portal
Let's Play Portal
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
Having not done a PC FPS, I thought this would be a good one. While short, it shoudl be entertaining enough. I tried to get SK to special guest it at one point, but it didn't turn out too well. ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Portal
Let's Play Torin's Passage
Let's Play Torin's Passage
Uploader(s): Lantis
Created: October 15, 2013
Latest Update: October 15, 2013
I would very much like for you to join me in a game from way back in my past. The nostalgia from this game weighs heavy on me, so yeah... ...View LP Content
  • Playlist: Let's Play Torin's Passage
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