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Let's Play CT: Flames of Eternity
Part 1 of 18
Holy crap guys. Sorry it took so long to upload anything. But I'm coming back strong. I'm hitting up a rom hack of my favorite game Chrono Trigger. Not only that it's a blind run. So it'll be super exciting for me as well.

As for why I've been gone so long it's been a lot of things really. I've been catching up on my own personal backlog of games for one. Not to mention I've been working on my own little RPG Maker 1 game for a while (I'll be uploading some videos for it before too long). And finally (and this is the big one) I've been working on a video review of a certain game. I can not begin to express how much of a time sink making a legit review is. I have a new found respect for AVGN if this is what he goes through every time he makes a video. Anyways I hope you guys will enjoy that once I finish it and get it uploaded.

But until then I hope you enjoy my blind run of the rom hack fan made sequel of Chrono Trigger.
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